Image by Martin

  • 发音:[ˈventʃər]

  • 例句:

  1. To venture is to proceed especially in the face of danger. For example, Bear Grylls is the kind of person who likes venturing out to do survival reality show in the wild.
  2. He ventured into the dark woods not to mock but to understand what drove these obsessed searchers and conspiracy theorists.
  3. The findings, which were published Thursday in the journal Science, also provide insight into the origins of the vertebrates that became the forebears of our ancestors who first ventured onto land.
  4. When earlier rabbit newcomers ventured out into the bush, they encountered strange plants and a slew of carnivorous reptiles, marsupials, and dingoes.
  5. In recent years, the company has ventured into bags, wallets and men’s loafers, also made from recycled and marine plastic, and has stores in Los Angeles, New York and other cities.
  6. Starting in the 1950s, Feynman ventured into many other areas of theoretical physics: superfluids, superconductivity, gravitation and the constituents of protons and neutrons, which he called partons.

  • 解释

  1. Venture这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to proceed especially in the face of danger, or to undertake the risks and dangers of”这一含义,即“冒风险去做某事或去到某些地方、领域等”,与risk/endanger/adventure这些单词构成近义词。注意:这个单词在使用时可以表示去到某些“物理状态”上危险的场所去做某事,也可以用于表达进入某些“抽象领域”去做某些尝试。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • When the ancestors of Native Americans ventured across the Bering land bridge from today’s Siberia to Alaska about 20,000 years ago, they struggled to get enough sunlight during the long, dark winters.(大约2万年前,当美洲原住民的祖先冒险穿越白令陆桥从今天的西伯利亚到阿拉斯加时,他们在漫长而黑暗的冬季努力获得足够的阳光。)
  • As people ventured out from their pandemic cocoons this year, they gobbled up more electricity than they did before COVID-19 shut the world down.(随着人们今年从大流行的茧中走出来,他们吞噬了比 COVID-19 关闭世界之前更多的电力。)
  • Amazon ventured into the pharmacy space last month, buying the U.S.-based small online drugstore Pillpack, putting the online retailer in direct competition with pharma chains and drug distributors.(亚马逊上个月冒险涉足药房领域,收购了总部位于美国的小型在线药店Pillpack,使这家在线零售商与连锁药品连锁店和药品分销商直接竞争。)
  • Perhaps unsurprisingly for a company that has already ventured into financial services, Apple is getting in on the “buy now and pay later” craze.(对于一家已经涉足金融服务的公司来说,苹果正在掀起“先买后付”的热潮,这也许不足为奇。)


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