
Photo by Jacob Kelvin.J

  1. When something is transparent, it means that you can see through it easily, like a clear glass window. In a figurative sense, the word transparent refers to being open and clear in communication or actions. It means being honest, straightforward, and not hiding anything. Just as you can see through a transparent object, being transparent means that everything is visible and there are no secrets or hidden agendas.
  2. Clearwater Beach lives up to its name by offering a visually stunning experience with its remarkably transparent and sparkling water and smooth sandy shores.
  3. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has formulated new policies aimed at making the disclosure of foreign investments in individual companies or groups more transparent.
  4. The bill mandates the Agriculture Department to be more transparent in providing comprehensive information on how states exempt work requirements, thus addressing a longstanding concern of Republicans who have consistently advocated for greater transparency in this matter.
  5. Given its track record marred by instances of censorship and ethical breaches, it is expected that the China-based company will present a more equitable proposition or a more transparent and accountable procedure compared to well-established streaming platforms like Spotify or Apple Music.
  6. Jerome H. Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, expressed the need for a comprehensive, open, and prompt evaluation of the situation involving Silicon Valley Bank, emphasizing the importance of being transparent in a statement.
  7. The statement acknowledged that there were constructive and transparent discussions between both parties, leading to the agreement that a misunderstanding had taken place regarding the events that unfolded during the Kings vs. Warriors game on Saturday night.

  1. Transparent这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“able to be seen through with clarity; being honest, straightforward, and not hiding anything”这一含义,即“透明的/清澈的;公开的/直接的/明显的”,与clear/sheer/obvious/apparent这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Corporate experts point out that the league’s limited guidance on hiring practices leaves room for various issues related to diversity, as the absence of a consistent and transparent process hinders transparency and standardization.(企业专家指出,联盟对招聘实践的有限指导为与多样性相关的各种问题留下了空间,因为缺乏一致和透明的流程阻碍了透明度和标准化。)
  • Not all types of glass possess the quality of transparency, as there are variations that are opaque or translucent. The composition of glass can include various elements, with the key requirement being the ability to rapidly cool the liquid mixture to prevent crystallization and maintain a transparent appearance.(并非所有类型的玻璃都具有透明度的质量,因为存在不透明或半透明的变化。玻璃的成分可以包括各种元素,关键要求是能够快速冷却液体混合物以防止结晶并保持透明外观。)
  • Medicare officials emphasized their unwavering commitment to guaranteeing the peace of mind of individuals exploring Medicare coverage options by offering them reliable, transparent, and precise information regarding their health coverage choices.(医疗保险官员强调,他们坚定不移地致力于通过提供有关其健康保险选择的可靠,公开和准确的信息来保证探索医疗保险选择的个人安心。)
  • Lynn Haaland, the chief privacy officer at Zoom, expressed that the discussions had provided valuable insights for the video communications company, enabling them to enhance their products in alignment with European data protection standards and elevate their commitment to being open and transparent with their users.(Zoom首席隐私官Lynn Haaland表示,这些讨论为这家视频通信公司提供了宝贵的见解,使他们能够根据欧洲数据保护标准改进产品,并加强对用户开放和透明的承诺。)
  • Although it is impossible to ensure universal satisfaction, adopting a deliberate, steadfast, and transparent approach in addressing these transformations can bolster your company’s resilience and lead to favorable results.(虽然不可能确保普遍满意,但采取深思熟虑、坚定和公开直接的方法来应对这些转型可以增强公司的弹性并带来有利的结果。)
  • Maltzan expressed his intention to shore up the building’s openness, incorporating wider doors and installing new windows that overlook the street, in order to create a more welcoming and transparent atmosphere.(Maltzan表示他打算提高建筑物的开放性,包括更宽的门并安装俯瞰街道的新窗户,以营造更温馨和透明的氛围。)


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