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  1. To shrug means to lift and drop your shoulders as an expression of uncertainty, indifference, or lack of knowledge in response to a question, situation, or comment. It’s a non-verbal gesture used to show that you don’t have a strong opinion or don’t know the answer to something. When you shrug, you typically raise your shoulders upward, and then quickly lower them back to their original position, often accompanied by a slight tilting of the head or a facial expression that shows you are unsure or don’t care about the matter being discussed.
  2. Shrugging is a common form of body language used in various social contexts to communicate different feelings and attitudes. It can convey a range of meanings, including lack of concern, uncertainty, indifference, or even a response to being puzzled or unable to provide a definitive answer. It’s a simple and effective way to express complex emotions without using words.
  3. Despite the market’s 50% year-to-date decline, investors in natural gas might simply shrug off the falling oil prices, considering the oversold state of the natural gas market and the weak demand with abundant supplies.
  4. While the movie may face increased pressure to find an audience, the filmmakers simply shrugged their shoulders, expressing gratitude for the chance to create it at all.
  5. On Friday morning, investors mostly shrugged off the data and instead concentrated on a week of strong profit reports, indicating that corporate America has not fully experienced the impact of higher interest rates.
  6. During their research, they discovered mutations in at least four genes that worked together to enhance the bacterium’s resistance to the drug, enabling certain strains to easily shrug off doses that were 16 times higher than others.
  7. Shrugging off a U.S. production suspension due to the coronavirus pandemic, Tesla on Thursday revealed forecast-beating global vehicle deliveries for the April to June period.

  1. Shrug这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to lift and drop one’s shoulders as an expression of uncertainty or indifference”这一含义,即“耸肩(表示不知道、不感兴趣、无所谓等)/摆脱/不屑一顾”,与lift/raise/elevate这些单词构成近义词。另外,该单词常与介词off连用,构成“shrug off”这一结构。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Marvel and its directors, being more concerned with storytelling than explaining past narratives, can simply shrug in response to those questions and move on.(漫威及其导演更关心讲故事而不是解释过去的叙事,可以简单地耸耸肩回答这些问题并继续前进。)
  • Trying to cast aside its old identity as a manufacturer of conventional automobiles, Ford Motor Company is now promoting its Transportation Mobility Cloud as an operating system for transportation solutions, shrugging off its previous image.(福特汽车公司试图抛弃其作为传统汽车制造商的旧身份,现在正在推广其运输移动云作为运输解决方案的操作系统,摆脱了以前的形象。)
  • On Monday, winemakers on the island showed little concern about the scorching heat, as they had a cooler than average spring that delayed the growing season, allowing them to shrug off any potential damage to their grapes.(周一,岛上的酿酒师对炎热几乎没有表现出担忧,因为他们的春季比平均水平凉爽,推迟了生长季节,使他们能够摆脱对葡萄的任何潜在损害。)
  • Davis expressed surprise at the teams’ lack of previous encounters in the NCAAs but casually shrugged off questions about the meeting’s significance, choosing to focus on the chance to compete for a national title instead.(戴维斯对球队之前在NCAA中缺乏相遇表示惊讶,但对有关会议重要性的问题不屑一顾,而是选择专注于争夺全国冠军的机会。)
  • Japanese officials have publicly shrugged off the possibility of fresh government debt issuance, despite the government’s tattered public finances. Instead, they have pledged to streamline spending, raise taxes, and tap non-tax revenue to address the financial challenges.(日本官员公开对发行新政府债券的可能性不屑一顾,尽管政府的公共财政状况支离破碎。相反,他们承诺精简支出,提高税收,并利用非税收入来应对财务挑战。)
  • During the initial stages of the pandemic, South Korea’s aggressive and highly effective contact tracing program gained attention, while the United States remained indifferent to the concept, seemingly shrugging it off.(在大流行的最初阶段,韩国积极而高效的接触者追踪计划引起了人们的关注,而美国对这一概念仍然漠不关心,似乎对此不屑一顾。)


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