• 发音: [rɪˈvɜrt]

  • 例句

  1. To revert is to come or go back to the former state, condition, or form, a usually lower state or level.
  2. If the coronavirus continues to spread, regional governments may have no choice but to revert to lockdowns, stifling an economic reopening.
  3. When he left school, he enrolled at Glasgow Art School, where he was teased for the posh voice he had laboriously adopted at Glenalmond, so he quickly reverted back to his native Glaswegian accent.
  4. Trade experts are debating whether Canada and the United States would revert to a pre-existing free-trade agreement between the two countries that was superseded by Nafta.
  5. FIFA’s new flexibility even suggests letting players revert back to their original national team if they never actually play for the second one.
  6. Unlike the traditional version of CAR-T therapy, the T cells are only “engineered” temporarily; once the mRNA degrades—in a matter of days—the cells revert to normal.

  • 解释

  1. Revert这个单词为动词,其表示“go back to a previous state, a usually lower state or level”这一含义,即“恢复到以前的状态/返回原来状态”,与return/regress/decline/degenerate这些单词构成近义词。注意:这个单词通常表示恢复到以前一种“低级”的状态。

  2. 具体使用状态如下:
  • As competition between the two intensifies, Microsoft is reverting to their familiar playbook of attacking rivals and lobbying for regulations that benefit their own interests.(随着两者之间竞争的加剧,微软正在恢复他们熟悉的剧本,即攻击竞争对手并游说有利于他们自身利益的法规。)
  • The CDC’s new mask policy follows recent decisions in Los Angeles, California, and St. Louis, Missouri, to revert to indoor mask requirements during the spike in coronavirus infections.(CDC的新口罩政策是在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶和密苏里州圣路易斯最近决定在冠状病毒感染激增期间恢复室内口罩要求之后制定的。)
  • Some U.S. investment bankers believe the big winner from Brexit will be New York because some business currently carried out in London would naturally revert to their home headquarters.(一些美国投资银行家认为,英国脱欧的最大赢家将是纽约,因为目前在伦敦开展的一些业务自然会回到他们的总部。)


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