- To retard means to hinder, restrict the action or progress of something or someone, often by exerting a restraining or limiting influence.
- Some insecticides affect sensitive plants such as beans, wheat, barley, or rye, retarding root development or depressing growth of seedlings.
- The World Trade Organization Thursday said government measures that restrict trade continue to rise around the world, and urged its members to remove barriers to imports that are retarding world economic growth.
- This system is exacerbating inequality, retarding social mobility, perpetuating privilege, and creating an elite that is isolated from the society that it’s supposed to lead.
- The rugged mountainous terrain, heavy snowfall and lack of roads were retarding the pace of immediate relief and rescue operations, said a senior official working for the Afghanistan Natural Disaster Management Authority in Kabul.
- Retard这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to delay, slow down, or hinder something or someone”这一含义,即“阻碍/减缓/使放慢速度”,与hinder/inhibit/impede这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Coach Johnny Dawkins employed 15 different starting lineups, which is erratic and possibly retards the development of a young front line.(教练约翰尼·道金斯使用了15种不同的首发阵容,这不稳定,可能会阻碍年轻前线的发展。)
—Sports - The first-world-worker minority might enjoy privilege, but protection of that privilege is not justified at cost of entrenching deeper poverty, weakening world output or retarding scientific & technical progress.(第一世界的工人少数人可能享有特权,但保护这种特权并不是以加深贫困、削弱世界产出或阻碍科技进步为代价的。)
—News - If these schools were able to act on their own judgment, the overall level of preference would be reduced, which in turn would reduce the “mismatch effect” that currently retards minority-student success.(如果这些学校能够根据自己的判断采取行动,那么整体偏好水平就会降低,这反过来又会减少目前阻碍少数族裔学生成功的“不匹配效应”。)
—Education - Despite past actions by the administration, borrowers’ debt load is growing and retarding the ability to buy homes, start businesses or otherwise spend to spur the economy, economists say.(经济学家表示,尽管政府过去采取了行动,但借款人的债务负担正在增加,阻碍了购买房屋,创业或以其他方式消费刺激经济的能力。)