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  1. To amplify means to increase the intensity, strength, size, or impact of something. It involves making something more significant or prominent, often by enhancing its qualities or making it more noticeable.
  2. Smith used Twitter to amplify fan complaints, thereby increasing the pressure on Ticketmaster to resolve significant issues, including seats on the face-value exchange that were still being advertised at much higher prices.
  3. Critics pointed out that the company’s recommendation algorithms, crucial for promoting streamers to viewers, were exacerbating the issue of endemic sexist and racist harassment, as these algorithms were amplifying such problems.
  4. Despite massive research and development investments in the internet realm, surpassing those of the Apollo space program, these platforms continue to amplify misinformation, incite violence and genocidal tendencies, detrimentally affect mental health, undermine public health efforts, and erode democratic processes.
  5. During a congressional hearing on Tuesday, senators promised to impose new regulations on Facebook in response to a whistleblower’s testimony, which revealed that the company’s algorithms amplify misinformation and harmful content concerning children, as indicated by its own research.

  1. Amplify这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to increase the intensity, strength, size, or impact of something”这一含义,即增强/扩大/放大,与magnify /increase /intensify /enhance /deepen/augment等单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • With the addition of a film screen, an amplified sound system, and various technical enhancements during the renovation, the Philharmonic seized the opportunity to significantly amplify its programming possibilities in the main auditorium.(随着电影屏幕、放大音响系统以及翻新期间的各种技术改进,爱乐乐团抓住了机会,在主礼堂中显着扩大了其节目的可能性。)
  • Accounts on Twitter are prohibited from engaging in actions that artificially amplify or suppress information or that manipulate or disrupt people’s experience on the platform, particularly in cases involving commercially motivated spam and multiple accounts, according to Twitter’s rules.(根据 Twitter 的规则,Twitter 上的帐户被禁止从事人为放大或压制信息,或操纵或破坏人们在平台上的体验的行为,尤其是在涉及出于商业动机的垃圾邮件和多个帐户的情况下。)
  • Light, being both a particle and a wave, has the intriguing capability to amplify or cancel out other light waves depending on their alignment, a phenomenon known as interference.(光既是粒子又是波,具有根据其他光波的排列放大或抵消其他光波的有趣能力,这种现象称为干涉。)
  • The lawsuit’s resolution on Tuesday underscored how Fox News had amplified conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election, causing substantial harm to Dominion Voting Systems’ reputation and business.(周二的诉讼决议强调了福克斯新闻如何放大有关2020年总统大选的阴谋论,这对Dominion Voting Systems的声誉和业务造成重大损害。)
  • Starbucks had initially banned workers from wearing apparel with the phrase “Black Lives Matter” because they believed it could “amplify divisiveness.” However, just two days earlier, Starbucks had announced that it would send Black Lives Matter T-shirts to its stores.(星巴克最初禁止工人穿着带有“黑人的命也是命”的服装,因为他们认为这可能会“放大分裂”。然而,就在两天前,星巴克宣布将向其商店发送Black Lives Matter的T恤。)


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