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  1. Being prudent is a valuable trait that involves a combination of wisdom, carefulness, and foresight in decision-making. When someone is prudent, they exercise good judgment and thoughtfulness in assessing situations and making choices. It’s about being cautious and considering the potential outcomes of one’s actions before taking any steps.
  2. A prudent person thinks ahead and evaluates the risks and benefits of various options. They take into account possible consequences and weigh them against their goals and values. This way, they can make informed decisions that are in their best interest and the interest of others involved.
  3. During the turbulent anti-monarchical period of Oliver Cromwell in the 17th century, Scotland’s crown jewels are distinguished by their age, a result of prudent decisions made to safeguard them, making them even older than the jewels used in the May ceremony in England.
  4. Deciding the case on statutory grounds would have been a prudent choice for the Court, considering the explicit language of the Civil Rights Act and its application to both public and private institutions alike.
  5. Thibodeau’s decision to trade for Butler in 2017 was a prudent one, as he accurately foresaw the potential of Butler’s leadership and talent to elevate a franchise into a title contender, a vision that ultimately materialized.
  6. Prudent decisions made by administrators stem from their understanding that containing the spread of COVID-19 in classrooms, dormitories, and cafeterias is nearly impossible, leading them to comply with local and state health protocols.

  1. Prudent这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“being marked by good, sound, and careful judgment”这一含义,即“谨慎的/慎重的/精明的/明智的”,与cautious /intelligent /discreet /wise/insightful这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • It would be prudent to take a precautionary approach and develop methods to remove protein seeds from surgical or medical instruments, given the likelihood of incubation periods spanning decades.(鉴于潜伏期可能长达数十年,谨慎的做法是采取预防措施并制定从外科手术或医疗器械中去除蛋白质种子的方法。)
  • It would be a prudent decision to utilize the ample coal reserves and maintain a diversified energy portfolio, especially if coal plants can be made as clean as natural gas facilities.(利用充足的煤炭储量并保持多元化的能源组合将是一个民智的决定,特别是如果燃煤电厂可以像天然气设施一样清洁的话。)
  • In light of Maryland’s recent Covid-19 cases and the CDC’s guidelines for large gatherings, Johns Hopkins University made a prudent decision to hold this tournament without spectators.(鉴于马里兰州最近的 Covid-19 病例和 CDC 关于大型聚会的指导方针,约翰霍普金斯大学做出了一个谨慎的决定,在没有观众的情况下举行这次比赛。)
  • According to the statement issued after the annual Central Economic Work Conference and published by the official Xinhua news agency, China plans to adopt a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy next year.(根据中央经济工作会议后发表并由官方新华社发表的声明,中国计划明年采取积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策。)
  • In addressing climate change, it would be prudent to prioritize technological fixes such as creating CO2-free energy sources or implementing climate geoengineering, which offer cost-effective and sustainable solutions compared to solely focusing on reducing our carbon footprint.(在应对气候变化时,谨慎的做法是优先考虑技术解决方案,例如创造无二氧化碳能源或实施气候地球工程,与仅专注于减少碳足迹相比,这些解决方案提供了具有成本效益和可持续的解决方案。)


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