Image by drobotdean

  • 发音:[flɔnt]
  • 例句:

  1. The word flaunt means to show off or display something in a way that is intended to attract attention or admiration.
  2. There are many people out there on the internet who flaunt expertise for their own benefit.
  3. Her older sister Kim Kardashian has also been accused of polluting the planet by taking short flights and flaunting her new private plane branded “Air Kim,” which features cashmere upholstery and a king-size bed.
  4. In July 2020, the cyberspace administration announced a plan to “thoroughly clean up information that promotes bad values such as comparing or flaunting wealth, extravagant amusement, etc.”
  5. Rich people want to keep their money and continue to enjoy it, but they are aware, to varying degrees, that too much flaunting will get them in trouble. 

  • 解释:

  1. Flaunt这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to show off or display something in a way that is intended to attract attention or admiration”这一含义,即“炫耀/夸示/夸耀/卖弄”,与show off/ostentate这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • Fans in France have flaunted their passion for women’s soccer and flexed their buying power by traveling to cheer in person.(法国的球迷炫耀他们对女子足球的热情,并通过亲自旅行欢呼来展示他们的购买力。)
  • The author argued that many people in power, from the Egyptian Pharaohs to the maharajahs of India, flaunted their wealth to signal superiority.(作者认为,许多当权者,从埃及法老到印度王公,炫耀他们的财富以表示优越感。)
  • Handbags were studied because they are “the quintessential luxury good for women,” a key way to flaunt an owner’s status everywhere she goes.(之所以对手袋进行研究,是因为它们是“女性的典型奢侈品”,这是无论走到哪里都炫耀拥有者地位的关键方式。)
  • As opera spread across Europe it remained an exclusive entertainment, performed in palaces and private salons, where the rich flaunted their wealth and artistic sensibilities.(随着歌剧在欧洲的传播,它仍然是一种独特的娱乐活动,在宫殿和私人沙龙中表演,富人在那里炫耀他们的财富和艺术敏感性。)


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