Context of Crucial

The pyramids too were oriented to special directions of the heavens, and the Sphinx faces east. While the details of the construction of these works are unimportant for us, it is worth noting that the pyramids represent another application of Egyptian geometry. They are the tombs of kings; and because the Egyptians believed in immortality they believed that the proper construction of a tomb was material for the dead person’s afterlife. In fact, an entire apartment for the future residence of king and queen was installed in each pyramid. They took great care to make the bases of the pyramids of the correct shape ; the relative dimensions of base and height were also highly significant.

Which of the following Two words in the passage are a pair of Antonyms?

Examples with Crucial

Among the areas of concern for European policymakers were the riskiest applications of AI employed by companies and governments, encompassing functions such as law enforcement and the operation of crucial services like water and energy.


For years, scientists have anticipated that crucial life-supporting elements, such as sulfur and nitrogen, were delivered to Earth through collisions with asteroid-type objects impacting the planet’s surface.


After being in ruins at the end of World War II, China’s economy has emerged as the world’s second-largest, functioning as a crucial driver of global growth and an essential hub in the international industrial and supply network.


Douglas will concentrate on crucial tasks for the Jets in this offseason, as the team holds the unfortunate record for the longest playoff drought among major North American sports leagues, spanning 13 straight seasons.


The sudden eradication of livestock would lead to the loss of crucial nutrients for many, particularly in regions like South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, where meat, although a minor component, plays a crucial role in the starch-heavy average diet.

–Arts and Culture


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