  1. When people say something has intrinsic value, they want to express the meaning that it is characterized with some essential nature, which comes from within.
  2. There’s a critical difference with crypto, though, compared with past bubbles: It had virtually no intrinsic merit.
  3. Most notably, the theory points to the importance of intrinsic motivation: the desire to do something for its own reward, not for any instrumental benefit.
  4. They can choose to learn their favorite subjects without the extrinsic motivation of stringent grading overtaking their intrinsic motivation to learn more about the topic.
  5. Studies show that we do our best work through intrinsic motivation, which involves autonomy and control over our work as a fundamental driver of effectiveness.

  1. Intrinsic该单词为形容词,其核心在于表示“anything intrinsic comes from within”这一含义, 即“本质的/内在的/固有的”,与“built-in/essential/inherent/inborn/innate“等单词为近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • The intrinsic value of education is critical thinking. (教育的内在价值在于批判性思考。)
  • This is dominated by an external factor, rather than something intrinsic to the performance.(这主要是由外部因素主导的,而不是性能的内在因素。)
  • All those findings suggest it’s the drug’s impact on sperm formation, rather than diabetes or another factor intrinsic to the men.(所有这些发现都表明,这是药物对精子形成的影响,而不是糖尿病或男性固有的其他因素。)
  • Researchers are generally eager to do high-quality research, and institutions should avoid reforms that are perceived as bureaucratic, or they will undermine intrinsic motivation.(研究人员通常渴望进行高质量的研究,机构应避免被视为官僚主义的改革,否则会破坏内在动机。)


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