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- Vitality refers to having a lot of energy, liveliness, and enthusiasm. It is the state of being full of life and vigor, feeling alive and active. When someone has vitality, they are full of vitality, meaning they are energetic, vibrant, and spirited.
- This can be clearly observed with the Mitchell grass, which turns white and appears lifeless, yet still contains nutrients for livestock in its dried leaves and maintains vitality in its seemingly dried-up stems.
- Carbolic acid has a strong impact on the vitality of all living organisms, including the rapidly growing epithelial cells that form a part of the diphtheritic membrane.
- Morality is not solely dependent on physical vitality; in fact, the pursuit of perfect physical vitality may hinder the development of higher and finer mental functions.
- In Overland Park, Stanley and her team collaborate with twelve community partners in various areas such as food access, education, and sustainability to strengthen the market’s vitality and liveliness for its customers.
- In his statement, he highlighted that “Even well-intentioned publicly traded companies face excessive pressure to prioritize immediate gains over the long-term vitality and ethical obligations.”
- Vitality这个单词做名词使用,其表示“having a lot of energy, liveliness, and enthusiasm”这一含义,即“活力/生命力/热情”,与energy/vigor/vibrance/exuberance这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- While the amount may not be sufficient to sustain the country’s major airlines, which are incurring substantial daily losses in the tens of millions of dollars, it has brought back a renewed sense of energy and vitality to an industry that has been severely impacted by the pandemic.(虽然这一数额可能不足以维持该国主要航空公司的日常损失,这些航空公司每天遭受数千万美元的巨额损失,但它为受大流行严重影响的行业带来了新的活力和生机。)
–Business - Economists use the term business dynamism to describe the cycle of companies starting, failing, expanding, and contracting, which is crucial for maintaining America’s economic strength and vitality.(经济学家使用“商业活力”一词来描述公司启动、衰败、扩张和收缩的周期,这对于维持美国的经济实力和活力至关重要。)
–Business - The 70-year-old actress has been a pioneer, showcasing that performers, especially women, can maintain vitality and meaningful careers even as they enter the later stages of their lives.(这位70岁的女演员一直是先驱,展示了表演者,尤其是女性,即使在进入人生后期也能保持生命力和有意义的职业生涯。)
–Arts - A significant renovation project, costing $307 million, has breathed new life into Sun Devil Stadium, providing the program with a renewed sense of vitality and enthusiasm under Edwards’s leadership.(耗资3.07亿美元的重大翻新项目为太阳魔鬼体育场注入了新的活力,在爱德华兹的领导下,该项目重新焕发了生命力和热情。)
–Sports - According to Dr. Rona, the identification of dark ecosystems would prompt further investigations to explore how chemosynthetic habitats contribute to the overall health and vitality of the canyon.(根据Rona博士的说法,黑暗生态系统的识别将促使进一步调查,以探索化学合成栖息地如何有助于峡谷的整体健康和活力。)
–Science - While Illinois faces significant financial challenges, the Chicagoland area exhibits a much greater sense of energy, economic vitality, and dynamic connections between the downtown core and the surrounding suburbs compared to Detroit.(虽然伊利诺伊州面临重大的财政挑战,但与底特律相比,芝加哥地区表现出更大的能量、经济活力以及市中心核心与周边郊区之间的动态联系。)