Image by benzoix
- The adjective vapid is used to describe something that is dull, boring, uninteresting, or lacking in liveliness or spirit.
- Vapid can be used to describe things like conversations, writing, music, or other forms of creative expression that are bland or lacking in depth or substance. A vapid person is often seen as lacking in character or personality and can be described as insipid or lifeless.
- The comedic performances were noticeably vapid, as if everyone was afraid to speak their minds in the Hollywood era following the Harvey Weinstein scandal, because of the potential backlash on Twitter.
- In this day and age, we are surrounded by vapid individuals such as the Kardashians, who are only popular for their looks, fame, and brand endorsements on “reality” TV shows.
- I am somewhat hesitant to give praise to political films, as they tend to be vapid in their messages, according to Hollywood.
- Vapid这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“(someone or something)dull, boring, uninteresting, or lacking in liveliness or spirit”这一含义,即“乏味的/枯燥的//索然无味的/无趣的”,与insipid/boring/dull/bland/unexciting这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Our society is facing problems because we prioritize vapid consumption over meaningful activities like work and leisure.(我们的社会正面临问题,因为我们优先考虑乏味的消费,而不是工作和休闲等有意义的活动。)
–Society - A large portion of the internet consists of vapid and tedious content, which distracts us from important tasks and responsibilities.(互联网的很大一部分由乏味和乏味的内容组成,这分散了我们对重要任务和责任的注意力。)
–Business - These social media influencers who frequently post photos of themselves and share mundane details about their lives, instead of focusing on a specific topic, are often regarded as vapid and superficial, serving only as a source of entertainment.(这些社交媒体影响者经常发布自己的照片并分享他们生活的平凡细节,而不是专注于特定主题,通常被认为是乏味和肤浅的,只是作为娱乐的来源。)
–Technology - Society often judges the interests of many women, such as music artists, romance novels, and drinks marketed towards females, as vapid and unimportant.(社会经常判断许多女性的利益,如音乐艺术家、言情小说和向女性推销的饮料,是乏味和不重要的。)