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  1. The term “transitory” refers to something that is temporary or not permanent in nature. It implies a condition or state that is expected to change or pass with time, rather than being enduring or lasting indefinitely. In various contexts, “transitory” describes phenomena, situations, or conditions that are fleeting, brief, or transient. It suggests a temporary nature that is likely to evolve or fade away over a period, indicating a lack of permanence or stability.
  2. In usage, the word “transitory” often appears in discussions related to economics, where it describes short-term fluctuations or changes in economic indicators, such as prices or employment rates, that are expected to revert to a more stable state. It can also be employed in various other fields to denote impermanent states or conditions that are not expected to persist over an extended duration.
  3. Tourists leisurely wander the streets in a town that maintains a relaxed, transitory atmosphere, characterized by ubiquitous street stalls showcasing a variety of food items like fruit shakes, banana Nutella pancakes, chicken sandwiches, beef bacon burgers, and others on white signboards.
  4. A year ago, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome H. Powell acknowledged the necessity of discontinuing the use of the term “transitory” to depict inflation, as it became evident that inflation was not a temporary or short-lived situation as previously suggested.
  5. Wayne Wicker from Mission Square Retirement pointed out that the recent rise in oil prices has sparked worries among investors that the previously assumed transitory inflation might persist for a longer-than-expected duration.
  6. As transitory as a click on the “defriend” button on Facebook, relationships today often carry a superficial tone, which is evident in discussions over blurry Skype feeds about personal matters like adorable kids or frustrating bosses.

  1. Transitory这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“lasting a very short time”这一含义,即“暂时的/片刻的/短暂的/转瞬即逝的/昙花一现的”,与temporary /transient /fleeting /ephemeral这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Extensive research on consumer spending patterns indicates that when it comes to income, consumers exhibit substantial reactions to permanent or lasting increases, whereas their response to temporary or transitory gains is notably insignificant.(对消费者支出模式的广泛研究表明,在收入方面,消费者对永久性或持久性增长表现出实质性反应,而他们对临时或暂时性收益的反应则明显微不足道。)
  • For an extended period, chemists have examined chemical reactions by scrutinizing the initial ingredients, the resulting final products, and occasionally, the transitory molecules formed during the process.(在很长一段时间内,化学家通过仔细检查初始成分、最终产物以及偶尔在此过程中形成的短暂分子来检查化学反应。)
  • The transitory nature of the players’ stays on campus was a cause of dissatisfaction for some college basketball fans and coaches, despite others appreciating the opportunity to see top stars, even if only for a year.(球员们留在校园的短暂性引起了一些大学篮球迷和教练的不满,尽管其他人很感激有机会见到顶级球星,即使只有一年。)
  • If the high inflation and worker shortages currently experienced are indeed tied to COVID and prove to be transitory, the adoption of higher interest rates might impede growth, delay labor market recovery, and unnecessarily sideline millions of workers.(如果目前经历的高通胀和工人短缺确实与新冠疫情有关,并且被证明是暂时的,那么采用更高的利率可能会阻碍增长,延迟劳动力市场复苏,并使数百万工人不必要地边缘化。)
  • The presence of gore, splatter, and the customary philosophical motifs regarding life’s transitory nature and the futility of war isn’t a recent development in Japanese cinema; these elements have been present for a considerable time.(血腥飞溅场面,以及关于生命短暂性和战争徒劳的习惯性哲学主题在日本电影中的存在,并不是日本电影的最新发展;这些元素已经存在了相当长的时间。)
    –Arts and Culture


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