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发音: [trænˈskraɪb] 
  1. Transcribe” means to write down or type out something that you hear or see. It’s like turning spoken words or handwritten notes into printed or typed text. People often transcribe interviews, speeches, or old documents to make them easier to read and understand.
  2. Before the age of the pyramids, over 5,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians devised a way to transcribe their decimal system by using images to represent numbers.
  3. At Temple University in Philadelphia, another project will create an internet tool for transcribing early polyphonic music, which includes several separate melodies played or sung simultaneously, into regular musical notation.
  4. Last year, the team tasked with opening paper returns and transcribing them into computer files experienced a workforce reduction of approximately 20 percent due to retirements and departures, as reported by two agency officials familiar with the situation.
  5. Initiated in 2017, this effort engages hundreds of volunteers in transcribing historical weather information, some dating back to 1863, which is archived at McGill Observatory in Montreal, into digital records.
  6. Zoom and Google offer features equipped with artificial intelligence (A.I.) that can automatically transcribe spoken words from a meeting into a written text file, provided that the meeting is recorded with everyone’s consent.

  1. Transcribe这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to write out in another language or alphabet/change the nature, purpose, or function of something”这一含义,即记录/抄录/转录/把…转换成另一种形式,与write /record /rewrite /duplicate /translate等单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Across the board, the five software applications from prominent tech companies like Apple and Microsoft exhibited significant race-related disparities when transcribing audio, with a tendency to make twice as many errors when transcribing spoken words from Black speakers in comparison to white speakers.(总体而言,来自苹果和Microsoft等知名科技公司的五款软件应用程序在转录音频时表现出明显的种族相关差异,在转录黑人说话者的口语时,与白人说话者相比,容易犯两倍的错误。)
  • The foundational principle in molecular genetics, often referred to as its central dogma, revolves around the accurate transcription of genetic information by cellular machinery. This process entails transcribing information from a double-stranded DNA template into a single-stranded RNA messenger, which is subsequently translated into a protein.(分子遗传学的基本原则——通常被称为其中心教条——围绕着细胞机器对遗传信息的准确转换。该过程需要将信息从双链DNA模板转录成单链RNA信使,随后将其翻译成蛋白质。)
  • Borrowing a tape recorder from a colleague during the first two months of his fellowship, Stallworth came to realize that the excitement of transcribing interviews tends to diminish as one becomes immersed in the daily demands of journalism.(在实习的头两个月里,斯托尔沃思从一位同事那里借了一台录音机,他意识到,当一个人沉浸在新闻业的日常需求中时,转录采访的兴奋感往往会减弱。)
  • Due to the absence of the original evidence within the summary document, the BBC cannot validate whether the messages have been faithfully transcribed or if they were indeed sent by the defendants as they claim.(由于摘要文件中缺乏原始证据,BBC无法验证这些信息是否被忠实地转录,或者它们是否确实像他们声称的那样是由被告发送的。)
  • During their workday, both junior and senior staff members were asked to transcribe dictations, print and deliver documents, and attend meetings with agents and publishers as part of their book-related responsibilities, according to their statements to investigators.(根据他们对调查人员的陈述,在他们的工作日,初级和高级工作人员都被要求转录听写,打印和交付文件,并参加与代理商和出版商的会议,作为他们与书籍相关职责的一部分。)


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