- Stupendous means amazing or awesome, which interprets the idea that something is so great in size, force, or extent that it causes impressive feeling.
- Given the stupendous success of the Model T, Ford dominated the market for popularly priced cars.
- Microsoft’s move in January to spend a stupendous $68.7 billion on Activision Blizzard was supposed to signal a golden era dawning for the video game sector.
- In the center of Beijing’s booming commercial district, with soaring office towers, gleaming shopping malls and luxury apartment complexes, sits a shabby, four-story building with an office that houses stupendous wealth.
- Last week another interesting paper appeared on arxiv.org, the stupendous online archive depository for research preprints in physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance and statistics.
- Stupendous这个单词为形容词,其表示“something is so great in size, force, or extent that it causes impressive feeling”这一含义,即“令人惊叹的/了不起的”,与awesome /amazing /prodigious /monstrous /tremendous这些单词构成近义词。需要说明的是,这个单词既可以用于表示特定对象由于其物理特性(大小、力量、空间等)给人留下“震撼”的感受,也可以用于特定对象由于其抽象特征(程度、范围等)给某人留下深刻印象。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Jeff Bezos announced he will donate a majority of his $124 billion fortune: that is a stupendous amount of money. (杰夫贝佐斯宣布他会捐出他1240亿美金的大部分:那是一笔数目不小的数量。)
–Business - It would take a stupendous effort to improve your D in history to an A.(要想把历史成绩从D提到A需要花费巨大的努力。)
–Education - The Shanghai Tower rose to a stupendous height of 632 meters. (上海中心高度达到巨大的632米。)
–News - Though the company is privately held and does not respond to questions about its finances, it is evident that craigslist earns stupendous amounts of cash.(尽管该公司是私人控股的,并且没有回应有关其财务状况的问题,但很明显,craigslist赚取了巨量的现金。)