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- Scent is a noun that refers to the distinctive smell or odor that is emitted by an object, substance, or living organism. It is an olfactory perception that can be sensed and identified through the nose. Each scent has its own unique characteristics, including its composition, intensity, and quality.
- When scent is used as a verb, it means to detect or perceive a smell using the sense of smell. It is the act of using your nose to identify or recognize a particular odor. For example, a dog can scent the presence of food from a distance, and hunters rely on their ability to scent animals in order to track them.
- Most parts of the Bay Area had good or moderate air quality, as reported by sensors from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, even though there was smoke in the skies, the scent of smoke was not detected.
- Historical records indicate that ancient Greco-Egyptian magicians incorporated fragrance extensively in their rituals, including the use of scented inks, while physicians of that era held the belief that strongly scented plants possessed greater medicinal potency compared to other varieties.
- The fragmented global business plays a crucial role in providing ingredients, additives, scents, flavorings, and textures to the larger and more popular package-food and consumer-goods industries.
- Based on a recent study, it has been discovered that these lizards, inhabiting Europe and North America, possess the remarkable ability to determine the size of their competitors solely through the use of chemical scents.
- Scent这个单词做名词使用,其表示“a sweet or pleasant smell”这一含义,即“香味/香水;气息/察觉”,与perfume/fragrance/aroma这些单词构成近义词。
- 除了做名词使用外,scent这个单词也可以做动词使用,其表示“to detect or perceive a smell using the sense of smell”这一含义,即“嗅出/闻到/觉察出”,与smell/sense/feel等单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Alibaba operates a portal called 11Main.com in the United States, which serves as a platform for smaller businesses to showcase and sell their products, which include a diverse range of items, including yoga mats and scented candles.(阿里巴巴在美国运营着一个名为 11Main.com 的门户网站,该门户网站为小型企业展示和销售其产品提供了平台,其中包括瑜伽垫和香薰蜡烛等各种商品。)
–Business - Researchers have primarily conducted studies on insect preferences in controlled laboratory environments, which has retarded their understanding of how various scents attract mosquitoes over long distances or how mosquitoes choose between multiple competing scents.(研究人员主要在受控的实验室环境中对昆虫的偏好进行了研究,这种环境限制了他们对各种气味如何长距离吸引蚊子或蚊子如何在多种竞争气味之间进行选择的理解。)
–Science - At my grandparents’ house in east Louisville, where I spent my childhood, the fragrance of mint held a special place in our hearts during Christmas, surpassing the scent of pine.(在我度过童年的路易斯维尔东部的祖父母家中,薄荷的香味在圣诞节期间在我们心中占有特殊的位置,超过了松树的香味。)
–Culture - The detective cautiously approached the crime scene, taking care not to disturb any potential evidence as they carefully scented for clues that could unravel the mystery.(侦探小心翼翼地接近犯罪现场,小心翼翼地不要打扰任何潜在的证据,因为他们小心翼翼地寻找可能解开谜团的线索。)
–Literature - Ants rely on scent as a means of communication, enabling them to establish intricate social structures with specialized roles for queens and workers. The remarkable harmony and coordination observed within certain ant colonies, facilitated by these chemical signals, have led scientists to refer to them as “superorganisms.”(蚂蚁依靠气味作为交流手段,使它们能够建立错综复杂的社会结构,为蜂王和工人提供专门的角色。在这些化学信号的推动下,在某些蚁群中观察到的显着和谐和协调,导致科学家将它们称为“超有机体”。)