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  • 发音:[ˌrezəˈrekt]

  • 例句

  1. To resurrect means to bring something back to life or to bring back something that was lost or forgotten. It can refer to bringing a dead person back to life or bringing back something that was no longer being used or practiced. It’s like giving something a second chance or restoring it to its former state.
  2. Dobzhansky used the term “genotype” and “phenotype” to resurrect important words that explain the intersection of genetics, natural selection, and evolution.
  3. The new church was built to resurrect the ancient grandeur of Byzantium and showcase the financial strength of the thriving Greek American community.
  4. Creators have attempted to resurrect the antihero in the popular culture of comic book-inspired worlds, with varying degrees of success.
  5. Although these old genetic instructions can’t resurrect whole viruses, they can still create virus fragments that the immune system can recognize and react to.
  6. Stores and shopping centers opened earlier in the hopes of resurrecting an American tradition that was already losing popularity due to increased online shopping, even before the pandemic.

  • 解释
  1. Resurrect这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to cause to become alive again”这一含义,即“重新应用/恢复使用/使复兴/起死回生”,与revitalize/rejuvenate/regenerate/revive这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • At the annual meeting of Berkshire, Buffett stated that the Federal Reserve’s monetary stimulus and the fiscal stimulus from the United States have resurrected the economy in an extremely efficient manner.(在伯克希尔年会上,巴菲特表示,美联储的货币刺激和美国的财政刺激以极其有效的方式恢复了经济。)
  • In a recent game against Golden State, the MVP player performed poorly, bringing back doubts that he had faced during the NBA Finals and resurrecting concerns about his abilities.(在最近对阵金州的比赛中,这位MVP球员表现不佳,这让他重新回到了NBA总决赛期间面临的疑虑,并重新引发了人们对他能力的担忧。)
  • Researchers have reported that coffee growers in Africa are bringing back C. liberica, a long-forgotten coffee variety, in an attempt to resurrect it.(研究人员报告说,非洲的咖啡种植者正在带回C. liberica,一种长期被遗忘的咖啡品种,试图重新应用它。)
  • According to science news media outlets, a team led by Harvard University was close to resurrecting the woolly mammoth just ten days ago.(据科学新闻媒体报道,十天前,哈佛大学领导的一个团队即将复活猛犸象。)
  • Mike Scheschuk, the president of a small and medium business in Austin, Texas, stated that toy companies frequently resurrect traditional toy collections to enhance their popularity during the holiday season.(德克萨斯州奥斯汀一家中小型企业的总裁迈克·谢舒克表示,玩具公司经常复兴传统玩具系列,以提高其在节日期间的知名度。)
  • In 2016, before the start of Season 6 of Game of Thrones, a computer science algorithm accurately predicted that Jon Snow would resurrect.(2016年,在《权力的游戏》第6季开始之前,计算机科学算法准确地预测了琼恩·雪诺会复活。)


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