
Image by wayhomestudio

  • 发音:[rɪˈzent]

  • 例句

  1. To resent something means to feel angry or bitter about it because you believe it’s unfair or unjust. It’s like feeling upset and holding a grudge against someone or something for something they did or didn’t do.
  2. The closure of the school was not well received by our friends and neighbors who resented not only the closure but also the negative economic impact it had on our community.
  3. Not granting the holiday to many employees is likely to make them resent their employers, who they may not understand are facing a complicated process.
  4. According to the reporter, both black and white families resented the busing policy, which required children to travel far from home and spend a considerable amount of time in transit.
  5. It seems that people dislike not just specialized language, but any language that requires a lot of effort to understand and use, leading to resenting.
  6. Returning to empty or non-collaborative offices or feeling that their job could be done from home may cause employees to feel bitter and resent their employers.

  • 解释
  1. Resent这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to feel or express angry or bitter about someone or something”这一含义,即“愤恨/憎恨/怨恨/感到气愤/对……不满”,与envy/dislike/begrudge这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Some Japanese resent being asked to atone for offenses committed over 70 years ago, while some South Koreans question the genuineness of Tokyo’s apologies.(一些日本人对被要求为70多年前犯下的罪行赎罪感到不满,而一些韩国人则质疑东京道歉的真实性。)
  • While the public demands more actions to reduce emissions to stop climate change, some businesses and low-income consumers may resent increased operational costs and living expenses caused by those procedures.(虽然公众要求采取更多行动来减少排放以阻止气候变化,但一些企业和低收入消费者可能会对这些程序造成的运营成本和生活费用增加感到不满。)
  • In a more typical negotiation scenario, it’s natural for players to resent the owners for questing their return to training camp in early December after just concluding the finals in mid-October.(在更典型的谈判场景中,球员们很自然地会怨恨老板在10月中旬刚刚结束总决赛后,在12月初要求他们重返训练营。)
  • People with employee health insurance believe they contributed to China’s relative prosperity and so resent being asked to sacrifice money from their personal health accounts.(拥有员工健康保险的人认为他们为中国的相对繁荣做出了贡献,因此,愤恨被要求从他们的个人健康账户中牺牲资金。)


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