Image by wayhomestudio
- Remorse is a feeling of deep regret or guilt over one’s actions or wrongdoing, often accompanied by a sense of sorrow and sadness.
- This song takes listeners into the mind of a young woman who experiences guilt and remorse after having had an abortion.
- As the stock market has been roiled by a global sell-of of tech stocks, Tesla share values have plummeted, and some analysts have speculated that Musk has buyer’s remorse.
- While supporters tout economic benefits such as an expanded tax base and job creation, residents in areas that initially welcomed crypto mining are now experiencing buyer’s remorse.
- Jews throughout the world express remorse for both their individual sins and those of humanity by fasting, praying and focusing entirely on religious observance.
- If you have buyer’s remorse and would like the Apple Watch Series 1 with the faster processor, your best bet is to go to an Apple Store and ask for an exchange.
- Remorse这个单词做名词使用,其表示“a feeling of deep regret or guilt over one’s actions”这一含义,即“懊悔/遗憾/自责/悔恨/后悔”,与regret/guilt/shame这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Dealing with regret is even more difficult because of the other negative emotions connected to it: remorse, sorrow and helplessness.(对付后悔更加困难,因为与之相关的其他负面情绪:悔恨、悲伤和无助。)
—Phycology - Rats cause very expensive problems, but they also are surprisingly engaging animals that exhibit human-like qualities, such as remorse and empathy.(老鼠会引起巨大代价的问题,但它们也是令人惊讶的吸引人的动物,表现出类似人类的品质,如自责和同理心。)
—Science - The study said an increasing number of China-backed projects have been suspended or cancelled since Belt and Road Initiative’s 2013 launch, with evidence of “buyer’s remorse” in countries as far afield as Kazakhstan, Costa Rica and Cameroon.(该研究称,自2013年“一带一路”倡议启动以来,越来越多的中国支持的项目被暂停或取消,有证据表明,远在哈萨克斯坦、哥斯达黎加和喀麦隆等国家,“买家感到懊悔”。)
—Business - The man accused in the attack made a disturbing surprise phone call to a California television station on Friday and said that he had no remorse about his actions last October.(周五,被指控参与袭击的男子向加州一家电视台打了一个令人不安的意外电话,并表示他对去年十月的行为没有悔意。)