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- The word rekindle means to revive, reignite, or bring back something that was once active, alive, or passionate. It involves renewing or reawakening a particular feeling, interest, relationship, or activity that has faded or diminished over time. Just as a fire that has died down can be rekindled by adding fuel and igniting it again, the word “rekindle” suggests a similar process of reawakening or revitalizing something that was previously present.
- She had a realization that the noises could lure dangerous animals, prompting her to gather unburned pieces of wood and rekindle them using the remaining hot coals.
- The release of Spielberg’s “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” in the same year as “Star Wars” rekindled the nostalgic sense of unease and intrigue associated with alien invasions from the 1950s, but with an added optimistic and uplifting approach.
- The recent finding of tiny footprints in a dense jungle area in southern Colombia has rekindled hope for locating the four children who survived a plane crash and went missing a month ago, raising the possibility of finding them alive.
- The wealth manager anticipates that robust stimulus measures will rekindle the momentum of growth in the latter half of the year and in 2023, while also deeming stock valuations as appealing.
- The construction of the venue was primarily intended for hosting ice hockey during the 2006 Winter Olympics, and the officials in Turin were enthusiastic about rekindling the Olympic fervor and enhancing the city’s global recognition through another notable sporting spectacle.
- The decision to remove masks could potentially rekindle a nationwide discussion on vaccine passports, as the need for proof of immunity becomes increasingly significant in settings such as offices and restaurants where mask-wearing is no longer required.
- Rekindle这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to bring back to life, or activity again”这一含义,即“使重新活跃/使复苏/重新点燃/重新激起”,与revive/resurrect/revitalize这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Nevertheless, progress in certain aspects of AI, such as visual perception and language comprehension, has rekindled previous aspirations to create an ideal humanoid robot.(尽管如此,人工智能某些方面的进步,如视觉感知和语言理解,重新点燃了以前创造理想人形机器人的愿望。)
–Science - WhatsApp seems to be taking a gamble, believing that three years after Edward Snowden’s disclosures sparked a rekindled worldwide discussion on digital surveillance, consumers are genuinely concerned about data security and will consider it a crucial factor when choosing which apps to use.(WhatsApp似乎在赌博,认为在爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)的披露引发了全球对数字监控的讨论三年后,消费者真正关心数据安全,并在选择使用哪些应用程序时将其视为关键因素。)
–Technology - His fascination with dinosaurs from his childhood was rekindled in 2000, and he rediscovered his passion by obtaining renowned books on the subject, such as “The Dinosaur Heresies,” “The Complete Dinosaur,” and the “Dinosaur Encyclopedia.”(他从小就对恐龙的迷恋在2000年重新燃起,他通过获得有关该主题的著名书籍重新发现了自己的热情,例如“恐龙异端”,“完整的恐龙”和“恐龙百科全书”。)
–Literature - It rekindled painful memories of the 2007 World Cup semifinals in China, when the Americans suffered a devastating 4-0 loss to Brazil, which triggered an intense emotional breakdown from Hope Solo and led to a coaching shake-up.(它重新唤起了2007年中国世界杯半决赛的痛苦记忆,当时美国队以4-0惨败给巴西队,这引发了霍普索罗的强烈情绪崩溃,并导致教练改组。)
–Sports - Rising energy costs and scarcity of components during the economic recovery have also contributed to the rekindling of long-dormant inflation, potentially altering the zero interest rate environment for banks and their customers.(经济复苏期间能源成本上升和零部件稀缺也导致长期沉寂的通货膨胀重新点燃,有可能改变银行及其客户的零利率环境。)
–Business - In fact, an additional 71 percent of participants specifically mentioned that their time in lockdown has rekindled their desire to reconnect with extended family and make plans to visit them.(事实上,另有 71% 的参与者特别提到,他们在封锁期间重新激起了与大家庭重新联系并制定探望他们的计划的愿望。)