Image by Deagreez

  • 发音:[rɪˈfreɪn]

  • 例句:

  1. If you can refrain from doing something, then you have the ability to keep yourself from doing or indulging in something and especially from following a passing impulse.
  2. Rivals China Eastern and Air China have refrained recently from providing a timetable but China Southern had done so in its annual report released in late March.
  3. The officer asked people to refrain from using washing machines and other heavy-demand appliances during peak consumption hours, and also urged them to keep devices charged as much as possible given likely service cuts.
  4. Under the settlement, Google agreed to refrain from sharing users’ precise location with third-party advertisers without express affirmative consent, and delete location information amassed from a user within 30 days of collection.
  5. Institutions need to stop treating education as a product and refrain from determining the value of research by the amount of funding received or the number of papers produced.

  • 解释:

  1. Refrain这个单词做动词使用,其表示“resist doing something, or to keep oneself from doing something and especially from following a passing impulse”这一含义,即“避免/克制(做某事)“,一般多用着refrain from doing something这一结构。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • The United States and China signed a bilateral pledge in 2015 to refrain from hacking companies in order to steal intellectual property.(美国和中国在2015年签署了一项双边承诺,避免利用黑客攻击公司窃取知识产权。)
  • Widespread warnings from health officials who are asking residents across the state and nation to refrain from large family gatherings on Thanksgiving may sound like overkill but they are not.(卫生官员的广泛警告要求全州和全国的居民避免在感恩节举行大型家庭聚会,这听起来可能有点矫枉过正,但事实并非如此。)
  • In a pandemic precaution, Apple still refrained from inviting the media and other guests to the in-person events that it has traditionally staged to introduce its latest products.(在大流行预防措施中,苹果公司仍然避免邀请媒体和其他客人参加其传统上为介绍其最新产品而举办的面对面活动。)
  • Since Wikipedia is intended to be an unbiased resource, Wade refrains from writing about anyone she knows personally, and she does not contact her subjects to collect further information.(由于维基百科旨在成为一个公正的资源,韦德避免写她认识的任何人,她也不会联系她的主题来收集进一步的信息。)
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