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  1. A recital is a performance, typically by an individual or a small group of performers, where they showcase their skills and talents in a particular art form, such as music, dance, or poetry. During a recital, the performers present a series of carefully selected pieces or compositions to an audience.
  2. The purpose of a recital is to entertain, educate, and engage the audience, allowing them to appreciate and enjoy the artistry and craftsmanship of the performers. It often takes place in a formal setting, such as a concert hall or theater, and can be a significant event for both the performers and the audience.
  3. Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, and Liszt will be showcased in a solo recital at the Athenaeum Music & Arts Library.
  4. Last year saw the cancellation of over a dozen musical concerts, including a recital featuring Armenian violinist Ara Malikian and a performance by Kurdish pop-folk singer Aynur Dogan.
  5. In Egypt, the staging of ballet recitals was primarily limited to private dance schools, which were commonly operated by British teachers. These schools predominantly attracted students from upper-middle-class families, including individuals like Ms. Saleh.
  6. Based on our findings, we observed that purchasing a professional or 4K model for over $900 is unnecessary for the typical person attending their child’s piano recital or soccer match.
  7. The iOS version of the game preserves the entire original soundtrack, including a significant scene where passengers come together in a train car for a violin and piano recital that spans more than an hour.

  1. Recital这个单词做名词使用,其表示“a concert given by an individual musician or dancer”这一含义,即“音乐演奏会/诗歌朗诵会/独奏会/独唱会”,与concert/ symphony /performance等单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • You can recall significant moments from your life, like a particular recital or concert, through the power of memory, which allows you to mentally travel back in time to relive those experiences.(你可以通过记忆的力量回忆起你生活中的重要时刻,比如一场特定的独奏会或音乐会,这让你在精神上回到过去,重温那些经历。)
  • During the early 1960s, he organized concerts across the country that showcased live performances versus recorded ones, such as holding a concert in a dedicated recital space at Carnegie Hall and another in the iconic Grand Central Terminal.(在 1960 年代初期,他在全国各地组织了音乐会,展示现场表演与录制表演,例如在卡内基音乐厅的专用独奏厅举办音乐会,在标志性的中央车站举办另一场音乐会。)
  • The building consists of various facilities, including classrooms, a rehearsal hall for choirs, offices for faculty members, soundproof rooms for practice, a studio for recording, a hall for lectures and recitals, a lounge for students, and a suite for administrative purposes.(该建筑由各种设施组成,包括教室、合唱团排练厅、教职员工办公室、练习隔音室、录音室、讲座和独奏厅、学生休息室和行政套房。)
  • Across America, these schools in cities and towns serve as valuable resources for the community, offering opportunities to attend recitals, chamber music concerts, orchestra performances, and staged operas. These events are often free or available at very affordable prices, allowing audiences to enjoy the music and performances.(在美国各地,这些城镇的学校是社区的宝贵资源,提供了参加独奏会、室内音乐会、管弦乐队表演和上演歌剧的机会。这些活动通常是免费的或以非常实惠的价格提供,让观众可以欣赏音乐和表演。)
  • In 1924, an invitation was extended to Anderson to perform a recital at Town Hall in New York City, a renowned venue where emerging artists were frequently introduced to the city’s audiences.(1924年,安德森被邀请在纽约市市政厅举行独奏会,这是一个著名的场所,新兴艺术家经常被介绍给该市的观众。)


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