Image by benzoix
- Probity means honesty and integrity in one’s actions and character, with adherence to moral principles and ethical standards.
- In his first leadership campaign, he depicted himself as the candidate of grown-up decisions and fiscal probity, criticizing Truss’ plans to lower taxes and increase borrowing, and vowing to get inflation under control.
- The U.S. should look to other countries for techniques to measure police probity and foster reforms to strengthen the quality of the nation’s law enforcement system.
- The theory is that honesty canteens will teach young Indonesians habits of probity that will discourage them from sliding into corrupt practices later in life.
- George Washington served two terms, setting the bar for probity, before relinquishing power and returning to his estate at Mount Vernon to live out his days.
- Probity这个单词做名词使用,其表示“devoting to tell the truth”这一含义,即“正直/诚实/廉洁”,与integrity/honesty/sincerity这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- A combination of fiscal probity and monetary stability made the currency a safe place to wait out the crisis, and investors began buying up Swiss currency, driving up the value of the franc.(财政诚信和货币稳定的结合使瑞士货币成为等待危机的安全场所,投资者开始购买瑞士货币,推高了瑞郎的价值。)
—Finance - In a country whose institutions are in such fragile shape, mainstream media very much among them, it does no good for its members to damage further their own reputations for fairness, probity, judgment.(在一个机构如此脆弱的国家,主流媒体也非常多,其成员进一步损害自己在公平、正直和判断方面的声誉是没有好处的。)
—Politics - Canadian banks gained a reputation during the financial crisis for their probity and conservative lending – unlike their U.S. counterparts who got deeply mired in the subprime mortgage mess.(加拿大银行在金融危机期间因其诚信和保守的贷款而享有盛誉 – 不像美国同行深陷次贷混乱。)
—Finance - These certificates are issued to websites by several hundred companies that pride themselves on their security and reputation for probity.(这些证书由数百家公司颁发给网站,这些公司以其安全性和诚信声誉而自豪。)