Image by KamranAydinov

  • 发音:[ˈpenʃənt]

  • 例句

  1. The word “penchant” means a strong liking or preference for something, often an activity or a particular type of thing.
  2. Beyond product sales, the Michelin brothers saw the new customer as a would-be avid traveler with a penchant for discovery.
  3. She had a penchant for romances, especially those published in Love Story, a pulp magazine that ran from 1921 to 1947.
  4. Warren Buffett’s penchant for long-term value investing has made him one of the richest people in the world, with a fortune approaching $100 billion.
  5. While the nonaddicts shared a penchant for risk-taking behavior, the increased gray matter seemed to help them resist addiction by exerting more self-control and making more advantageous decisions.

  • 解释:
  1. Penchant这个单词做名词使用,其表示“a strong liking or preference for something”这一含义,即“热爱/嗜好/偏好/强烈的倾向”,与tendency/preference/inclination这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • An American scientist with a penchant for biomedical research, Gofman was aware of Anitschkow’s cholesterol feeding experiments and, unlike most other scientists during that era, he took these results quite seriously. (作为一名热爱生物医学研究的美国科学家,戈夫曼知道阿尼奇科的胆固醇喂养实验,与那个时代的大多数其他科学家不同,他非常重视这些结果。)
  • The NFC North champions have won four straight games thanks in part to their defense’s penchant for forcing turnovers, which continued Saturday when they intercepted Baker Mayfield four times.(NFC北部冠军已经连续四场比赛获胜,部分原因是他们的防守喜欢强迫人员流动,周六他们四次拦截贝克梅菲尔德时继续这样做。)
  • She has also shown a penchant for making big moves that her predecessors might have considered brash or impulsive given the company’s reputation for deliberate decision making.(她还表现出采取重大举措的倾向,鉴于该公司以深思熟虑的决策而闻名,她的前任可能会认为这些举措是傲慢或冲动的。)
  • Elon Musk is a prolific Twitter user who has a penchant for tweeting his mind and sometimes landing himself in trouble in the process.(埃隆·马斯克是一位多产的Twitter用户,他喜欢在推特上发表自己的想法,有时会在此过程中陷入麻烦。)


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