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  1. Palatable” primarily means that something is pleasant to the taste, especially when it comes to food or drinks. If a dish is palatable, it means it has a good flavor, and people find it enjoyable to eat.
  2. In a broader sense, we also use “palatable” to express whether something is acceptable or agreeable. For example, if you have to deliver difficult news, you might try to make it more palatable by presenting it in a way that people can better accept or understand, just like adding a bit of sugar to make medicine more palatable.
  3. Taking a different approach, the actors simulate a makeup tutorial, acknowledging a tactic employed by certain TikTok users who subtly deliver educational content in a palatable manner to appeal to viewers.
  4. Speculation arose among experts that Musk suspended Ye (Kanye West) due to recent tweets. They suggested that Musk opted for the incitement of violence rule as a clearer and more palatable choice, especially for followers supportive of Musk’s free speech position.
  5. In 2017, researchers discovered that unmarried female MBA students tended to downplay their ambition and career goals when interacting with classmates, likely in an effort to present themselves as more palatable potential spouses.
  6. In an apparent effort to cater to a Saudi audience, the company has seemingly implemented changes to make its product more palatable, exemplified by the use of more conservative attire for female athletes when wrestling in Riyadh.
  7. People with African genetic ancestry, as discovered by researchers, experienced fewer tingling or coughing sensations when trying the medicine and rated it as sweeter and more palatable than those with European genetic ancestry.

  1. Palatable这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“acceptable to the taste or mind”这一含义,即“可口的/味美的/可接受的/满意的/符合心意的”,与delicious /enjoyable /tasteful /satisfactory /agreeable这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Occasionally, Hollywood faces criticism for tweaking religious themes in films to make them more broadly palatable, be it by toning down elements that support a specific faith or those that critique it.(有时,好莱坞会因为调整电影中的宗教主题以使其更广泛地满足大众而受到批评,无论是通过淡化支持特定信仰的元素还是批评它的元素。)
    –Arts and Culture
  • Given the popularity, accessibility, and palatable nature, along with the cultural significance of red meat in our diets, any recommendations to reduce its consumption should be grounded in solid scientific evidence, which is currently lacking.(鉴于红肉的受欢迎程度、可及性和可口性,以及我们饮食中红肉的文化意义,任何减少其消费的建议都应该以坚实的科学证据为基础,而目前缺乏这种证据。)
  • Instagram meme accounts and YouTube channels, focusing on the curation of web content, are becoming the preferred choice for teens as they transform the online landscape into a more palatable, condensed, and comprehensible format.(专注于网络内容策划的 Instagram 模因帐户和 YouTube 频道正在成为青少年的首选,因为它们将在线环境转变为更令人满意、更浓缩和更易于理解的格式。)
  • Despite the potential for increased compensation, many young workers find investment banking’s less palatable aspects highlighted by the pandemic, especially as other careers entice with more appealing work-from-home policies.(尽管薪酬有可能增加,但许多年轻员工发现,投资银行业务在疫情中不那么令人满意,尤其是在其他职业受到更具吸引力的在家工作政策的诱惑的情况下。)
  • LeBron James’ palatable performance, highlighted by a spectacular slam dunk and an impressive display of skill, significantly contributed to the overall enjoyment of the game and added an extra layer of excitement to the team’s well-earned victory, leaving fans in the arena cheering for more.(勒布朗·詹姆斯的出色表现,以壮观的扣篮和令人印象深刻的技巧展示为亮点,极大地促进了比赛的整体享受,并为球队来之不易的胜利增添了一层额外的兴奋,让球迷们在竞技场上欢呼更多。)


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