Image by Aurélien from Pixabay

  • 发音:[ˈmɑdʒəˌleɪt]

  • 例句:

  1. To modulate is to make changes to something, such as the pitch, frequency, or amplitude, in order to keep a desirable balance, or proportion.
  2. The singer kept talking during the performance, making no effort to modulate her voice.
  3. He asked his colleagues if they knew of any medications that could both fight viral infections and modulate the immune system.
  4. It included a list of specimen arguments, explained how an audience could be swayed, and discussed everything from how to discredit a hostile witness to how best to modulate your voice when speaking.
  5. He had been dancing about the stage, waving his spear, modulating his voice, and now suddenly he became still, and lowered his voice.

  • 解释

  1. Modulate这个单词为动词,其表示“fix or adjust something to keep a desirable balance”这一含义,即“调节/调整(嗓音或者电磁波等抽象对象的大小、强弱、高低、幅度以达到一定的平衡)”,与adjust/regulate这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • If you find that the chord progression in a piece of music suddenly contains many chords that you would not expect in that key, it may be that the piece has modulated.(如果您发现一首音乐中的和弦进行突然包含许多您在该键中意想不到的和弦,则可能是该乐曲已经被调节了。)
  • The groups suggested a more tailored approach that would modulate the signal strength near the most critical areas, such as touchdown zones at airports and heliports.(这些小组提出了一种更有针对性的方法,可以调节最关键区域附近的信号强度,例如机场和直升机场的着陆区。)
  • By learning more about how the brain modulates the pain experience, investigators might be able to develop better cognitive therapies for moderating pain perception.(通过更多地了解大脑如何调节疼痛体验,研究人员可能能够开发出更好的认知疗法来调节疼痛感知。)
  • Amazon carefully modulates its workforce according to the amount of goods that need to be processed, and it often sends employees home early when work is slow.(亚马逊根据需要处理的商品数量精心调整其员工队伍,并且经常在工作缓慢时让员工提前回家。)


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