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  1. Intemperance refers to the lack of moderation or restraint, especially in indulgence in things like food, drink, or other pleasures. It signifies excessive behavior or lack of self-control in consuming substances or engaging in activities. The term is commonly associated with overindulgence in alcohol but extends to any habitual excessive behavior that leads to negative consequences.
  2. In practical terms, intemperance describes a state where one exceeds reasonable limits in their actions or consumption, often leading to harm, imbalance, or adverse effects on health, relationships, or overall well-being. It implies a lack of discipline or self-regulation, resulting in detrimental outcomes.
  3. Intemperance isn’t limited to physical excesses; it also extends to emotional, mental, or behavioral immoderations. It can encompass anything from excessive anger or spending to immoderate pursuit of pleasure or ambition.
  4. As reformers advanced in tackling problems like intemperance, their attention increasingly turned to acknowledging slavery as the foremost and most unyielding obstacles to American progress due to its moral blindness and cruelty.
  5. Simon spent less time at home as his wife’s growing intemperance became more apparent, and their children feared the possibility that their father might eventually leave them due to this situation.
  6. Organizations committed to ameliorating societal challenges identified sickness, unemployment, intemperance, and child labor as prominent contributors to distress, conducting comprehensive studies to gauge their prevalence and diligently striving to eliminate these issues.

  1. Intemperance这个单词做名词使用,其表示“excessive behavior or lack of self-control in consuming substances or engaging in activities”这一含义,即“无节制/放纵/过度/酗酒”,与alcoholism/excessiveness/excess这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • When addressed by his master or mistress in a short period, the conversation didn’t revolve around total abstinence from intoxicating spirits but rather centered on the ongoing habit of excessive drinking, highlighting a consistent state of intemperance.(当他的主人或情妇在短时间内发表讲话时,谈话并没有围绕着完全戒除醉酒,而是围绕着持续的过度饮酒的习惯,突出了一种持续的放纵状态。)
    –Arts and Culture
  • Jonathan’s relentless intemperance in pursuit of career success resulted in strained personal relationships, as his unwavering dedication to work overshadowed meaningful connections and leisure time with family and friends.(乔纳森对事业成功孜孜不倦的不节制行为导致了个人关系的紧张,因为他对工作的坚定奉献掩盖了与家人和朋友的有意义联系以及休闲时光。)
  • The athlete’s remarkable prowess was occasionally overshadowed by instances of intemperance in behavior, where LeBron James‘ on-court conduct drew criticism for confrontations with referees, detracting from the sport’s integrity.(这位运动员卓越的技艺有时会被行为上的放纵所掩盖,例如勒布朗·詹姆斯在场上的行为引起了与裁判的冲突,损害了体育运动的诚信。)
  • The renowned biologist, Dr. Patel, faced criticism due to her intemperance in dismissing alternative hypotheses, inhibiting the exploration of unconventional yet potentially groundbreaking scientific concepts.(著名生物学家帕特尔博士因过度地驳斥替代假设而受到批评,阻碍了对非常规但可能具有开创性的科学概念的探索。)
  • Google’s rapid expansion faced challenges due to Sergey Brin’s occasional intemperance in the adoption of emerging technologies, leading to conflicts in product development priorities and resource allocation.(由于谢尔盖·布林在采用新兴技术时偶尔放纵,谷歌的快速扩张面临挑战,导致产品开发优先级和资源分配发生冲突。)


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