  1. Something inanimate demonstrates the character of being lifeless or spiritless, or appearing dead or lacking power of motion.
  2. A bear in hibernation may appear inanimate due to its decreased heart rate.
  3. Play with inanimate objects is widely observed in animals, although most examples come from mammals and birds.
  4. The first is that humans are not inanimate objects; we change our behavior and we watch the news.
  5. In the less than two decades of their use, the synthetic pesticides have been so thoroughly distributed throughout the animate and inanimate world that they occur virtually everywhere.

  1. Inanimate这个单词为形容词,其表示“being lifeless or spiritless”这一含义,即“无生命的/无意识的/无生气的”, animate(有生命的/有活力的)为反义词关系,与unconscious/lifeless/unfeeling这些单词构成近义词。使用时,一般用来形容无生命的对象,例如:桌子/椅子/篮球/汽车等。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:I decided to clear out the playroom where he had spent much of his young life forming bonds with inanimate objects. (我决定清扫房间,那里堆满了他小时候玩耍的各种玩具。)/China has stressed the possibility of the virus being transmitted on inanimate objects, particularly frozen food.(中国强调病毒有可能通过无生命的物体传播,特别是冷冻食品。)/Photographer Mark Fairhurst began his career photographing inanimate objects, from jewellery to plugs which were used in advertising.(摄影师马克·费尔赫斯特的职业生涯始于拍摄无生命的物体,从珠宝到广告中使用的插头。)

  3. 另外,inanimate这个单词也可用来形容有生命对象,其表示“appearing dead or lacking power of motion”这一含义,即“缺乏生气的:比较严重、无生命特征的感觉。” 例如:That man lying on the floor seems inanimate.(那个躺在地上的男人看起来毫无生气。)/A bear in hibernation may appear inanimate due to its decreased heart rate.(冬眠中的熊可能由于心率降低而显得无生命。)



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