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- Impassive means not showing any emotions or feelings. When someone is impassive, they may seem calm and unemotional, even if they are experiencing strong emotions inside. They may not show any facial expressions or physical reactions to what is happening around them.
- Although she couldn’t read his thoughts behind his impassive expression, she had learned to recognize the sudden stiffness of his jaw muscles, indicating her shocking comment.
- Throughout the hearing, he maintained an impassive demeanor and only sought to speak through an interpreter when his microphone was turned off at the end of the hearing.
- A photo from around this time depicts a bearded man with a broad forehead, small sharp eyes, and narrow lips wearing an impassive expression.
- Impassive这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“not feeling or showing emotion”这一含义,即“冷漠的/冷淡的/无表情的/无动于衷的/不动声色的”,与stoic/emotionless/unemotional这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Volcanoes present an impassive facade to the world, silently recording the many times they have been disrespected by humans.(火山向世界呈现了一个无动于衷的外表,默默地记录着它们多次被人类不尊重。)
–Science - Although he had previously appeared impassive and dazed in other hearings, the defendant’s eyes darted over the faces of those gathered in the second-floor courtroom on Thursday.(尽管他此前在其他听证会上表现出无动于衷和茫然,但被告的眼睛在周四聚集在二楼法庭的人的脸上飞奔。)
–News - There was a German bloodline in him, as his mother had come from Germany in her childhood, which was evident in his impassive countenance and in the open, serious directness of his mental habits.(他身上有一种德国血统,就像他的母亲在童年时来自德国一样,这从他不动声色的面容和他开放、严肃的思维习惯中可见一斑。)