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  1. To be impartial refers to be free from bias or show lack of favoritism.
  2. The regulations call for a lawyer with a reputation for integrity and impartial decision-making.
  3. An impartial evaluation of the job applicant’s qualifications involves not considering age, gender, or race.
  4. We support an objective and impartial investigation of this crime and call for severe punishment for the perpetrators.
  5. You try to remain impartial as a journalist but you also report what you experience and it’s impossible not to have felt some of Gareth Southgate’s joy that evening.
  6. It is unreasonable to think that she would be able to administer fair and impartial justice to our communities if she can’t even accept our basic humanity and dignity.


  1. Impartial这个单词为形容词,其表示“free from bias showing lack of favoritism”这一含义,即“公正的/公平的/中立的/无偏见的”,与unbiased /fair /unprejudiced /objective等单词构成近义词。另外,该单词为partial(有偏见的/不公正的/有偏好的)的反义词。

  2. 该单词在日常使用中较为广泛,比如最近正在如火如荼进行的FIFA世界杯,我们可以看到如下的说法:The FIFA organizing committee said all referees will be impartial on the participating teams, and there is zero toleration to partial favoritism toward any team.(国际足联组委会表示,所有裁判都将对参赛球队保持公正,对任何球队的部分偏袒都是零容忍的。)

  3. 另外,现如今网络发达,人们希望在社交空间中就时事热点进行讨论,不过越来越多的人发现他们很难对一件事进行公正评价,因为会出现大量不理性的声音影响自己的判断。我们可以这样讲:Nowadays, people find it is extremely hard to have an impartial analysis of trending topics on the internet because tons of irrational opinions interfere with their judgement.(如今,人们发现很难对互联网上的热门话题进行公正的分析,因为大量的非理性意见会干扰他们的判断。)




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