发音: [ˈɪmɪnənt]

  1. Something that is imminent is ready to happen or take place soon, often used to describe something bad or dangerous is approaching. 
  2. The move brought the first round of NATO sanctions against Russia and growing concern that an invasion of Ukraine was imminent.
  3. Not everyone believes a recession is imminent this time, in part because there are areas of the economy that are doing better than in previous bear market moments.
  4. The systems use cameras, radar and other sensors to see when a crash is imminent.
  5. If there had been any paleontologists living 67 million years ago, they could not have predicted the dinosaurs’ imminent demise, because asteroids belong to a field of science otherwise remote from dinosaur biology.


  1. Imminent这个单词为形容词,其表示“ready to take place, or happen,especially used to describe something bad is about to occur”这一含义,即“即将发生的/临近的(尤其是一些不好的事情)”,与impending/looming/threatening这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • The system is in imminent danger of collapse. (这个系统面临即将崩溃的危险。)
  • Job growth slowed, but not by so much that it suggested a recession was imminent.(工作增长很慢,但这并不意味着萧条即将会发生。)
  • A year later a secret conference of scientists is convened to debate the dimming of the sun, which many now believe presents an imminent threat to life on Earth.(一年后,一个科学家的秘密会议召开,讨论太阳变暗的问题,许多人现在认为太阳对地球上的生命构成了迫在眉睫的威胁。)
  • To some, the government’s crackdown did not seem imminent so they did not take the precautions necessary to lessen its effect.(对一些人来说,政府的镇压似乎并非迫在眉睫,因此他们没有采取必要的预防措施来减轻其影响。)



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