
  1. The vocabulary immense refers to something very large in size, amount, or degree.
  2. The club thanks him for his immense contribution across two spells at Old Trafford.
  3. The plan had immense support from the public, which saw it as a way to lessen Moscow’s influence, improve living standards and possibly reduce Ukraine’s endemic corruption.
  4. Archaeologists have found immense volumes of bones buried at some sites, suggesting processing on a major scale.
  5. They found themselves in a great garden, where paths and beds of flowers were set in immense lawns of soft grass, which glowed a brilliant green in the light of the lanterns.


  1. Immense这个单词为形容词,其表示“something very large in size, amount, or degree”这一含义,即“巨大的、浩瀚的、无限的”,与“huge /great /enormous /vast /gigantic /colossal /tremendous”这些单词构成近义词。通常可以用来形容尺度、数量、程度、范围等十分巨大。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • I see ambitious people with immense talent being looked down upon because of their weight.(我遇到一些雄心壮志且具有巨大才能的人,他们会由于体重原因被外界瞧不起。)
  • The dispute underscores the immense challenge the United States faces in its effort to retake control of production lines at a critical moment in the energy transition.(这场争端突显了美国在能源转型的关键时刻重新控制生产线的努力所面临的巨大挑战。)
  • The sport ranks second to football in total compensation, according to a study by NIL company Opendorse, as marketers have found immense value in these women with massive reach through their social media endeavors.(根据NIL公司Opendorse的一项研究,这项运动在总薪酬方面仅次于足球,因为营销人员通过社交媒体努力在这些女性身上发现了巨大的价值。)



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