  • 发音: [ˈhaɪˌlaɪt]

  • 例句

  1. When you highlight something, you just want to indicate the importance of it by centering attention on that.
  2. At the end of a semester, some professors usually summarize the highlights of a course, which means he or she presents the important parts of that subject.
  3. I missed the 2022 FIFA final game because of work, but I saw the highlights on the sports channel next day.
  4. The challenge is an intention to highlight the history and contributions of Black communities to the fashion industry and celebrate the voices of a new generation of Black designers.
  5. Usually she wore sharp red lipstick that highlighted her dark skin and matched her Sunday suit.
  6. Interviews with the eight SpaceX employees who filed the charges highlight Mr. Musk’s firm grip on his workplaces, perhaps even beyond the restraints of federal law.

  • 解释

  1. Highlight这个单词可以用作动词,其表示“to emphasize something or make something prominent”这一含义,即“突出/强调/将…高亮标注”,与emphasize/feature/stress这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 除了动词外,highlight也可以用作名词,其表示“something that is of major significance or special interest”这一含义,即“突出的部分/最精彩的部分/最重要的部分/集锦/精华”,与feature/climax等单词构成近义词。

  3. 具体使用场景如下:
  • As you can see in this website, some of the important vocabularies are highlighted with a form of bold and italic. (正如您在本网站中看到的,一些重要的词汇表以粗体和斜体的形式突出显示。)
  • Coca-Cola’s results highlighted consumers’ capacity to continue buying preferred products despite being squeezed by higher prices at the grocery store and the gas pump.(可口可乐的业绩突显了消费者继续购买首选产品的能力,尽管受到杂货店和加油站价格上涨的挤压。)
  • The worrying economic data highlights the interdependence of financial markets and the importance of the Chinese economy.(令人担忧的经济数据凸显了金融市场的相互依存关系和中国经济的重要性。)
  • He said that he was giving me only the highlights, because he felt that his carefully kept diary might be turned into another book.(他说他只给我亮点,因为他觉得他精心保存的日记可能会变成另一本书。)
  • Fans use it as a second screen during sporting events and a meeting place in between, to follow sports news and see highlights and their favorite leagues, teams and players.(球迷将其用作体育赛事期间的第二个屏幕和介于两者之间的聚会场所,以关注体育新闻并查看集锦以及他们最喜欢的联赛、球队和球员。)


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