Image by Tima Miroshnichenko

  • 发音:[ˈɡʌləb(ə)l]

  • 例句:

  1. The word gullible means easily fooled or deceived, often due to being too trusting or lacking in critical thinking skills.
  2. Anybody with access to Twitter or other social media can see how gleefully these theories are being spread by gullible and uninformed individuals.
  3. They capture gullible young people into debt distress very early and the companies shame them using unconventional techniques if they fail to pay.
  4. To make such a fraud work requires finding enough gullible investors to buy shares in thinly traded companies so that those who control the shares can sell their positions.
  5. People in negative moods tend to be less gullible and more skeptical, while happy folks may accept easy answers and trust false smiles.

  • 解释

  1. Gullible这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“easily fooled, tricked, or deceived”这一含义,即“轻信的/易受骗的/易上当的”这一含义,与foolish/naive/unwary这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • Children’s belief in Santa may be taken as evidence that they’re gullible or unable to distinguish fantasy from reality.(孩子们对圣诞老人的信仰可能被视为他们容易上当受骗或无法区分幻想与现实的证据。)
  • In 1980, Massachusetts banned a new technology company from selling shares to the public there, worried that gullible residents would get swept up by the hype surrounding the venture.(1980年,马萨诸塞州禁止一家新技术公司向公众出售股票,担心容易上当的居民会被围绕该合资企业的炒作所席卷。)
  • You don’t need anti-virus software on a Mac unless you’re gullible and careless enough to install a strange program off the Web and then type in your system password on its request.(您不需要Mac上的防病毒软件,除非您容易上当受骗并且粗心大意地从Web上安装一个奇怪的程序,然后根据其要求输入系统密码。)
  • Those who run our social-media companies and Internet search engines need to find a way to help a gullible country differentiate between fake news and real news.(那些经营我们的社交媒体公司和互联网搜索引擎的人需要找到一种方法来帮助一个容易上当的国家区分假新闻和真实新闻。)


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