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- The verb gauge means to measure or assess something, usually in order to get an idea of its size, amount, or quality. When you gauge something, you are trying to figure out or estimate how big or small it is, how much of it there is, or how good or bad it is. It’s like using a tool or method to get a sense of the value or extent of something.
- Throughout history, the influence of individual black men emerges sporadically, akin to shooting stars, and occasionally fades away before the world has accurately gauged their brilliance.
- Microsoft, in collaboration with the Trust Project, will provide readers with guidance on how to gauge the trustworthiness of news stories, considering factors such as the expertise of the journalist and their reporting methods.
- The Federal Reserve is also currently attempting to gauge the consequences of recent bank instability, as it has the potential to impede economic growth by encouraging lenders to exercise greater caution.
- Given the vast number of cell phones being used worldwide, it is worth noting that these devices not only have the ability to record sounds and images, but they can also gauge local magnetic fields and provide accurate geospatial and temporal calibration through GPS, ensuring precise location and time data.
- Conference organizers aim to inspire political and business leaders with the program, encouraging them to consider implementing at least one immediate change and providing guidance on how to gauge its success.
- Gauge这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to find out the size, extent, or amount of”这一含义,即“估计/判定/估算/(用仪器)测量”,与calculate/measure/judge/assess这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- By utilizing a 3-D camera and a force platform, which assists in gauging balance, posture, and gait, she discovered that her balance required improvement during a functional movement analysis.(通过使用3D相机和力平台,帮助测量平衡,姿势和步态,她发现在功能运动分析期间她的平衡需要改善。)
–Technology - When food and fuel prices, known for their month-to-month volatility, are excluded, a “core” measure designed to gauge underlying inflation trends revealed a more significant than expected decline, both in terms of annual and monthly figures.(当以月度波动而闻名的食品和燃料价格被排除在外时,一项旨在衡量潜在通胀趋势的“核心”指标显示,无论是在年度还是月度数据方面,下降幅度都比预期的要大。)
–Business - In order to gauge the performance of those quarterbacks throughout the season, including the Super Bowl, we relied on Richie Wohlers’s quarterback game score, which is an adaptation of a formula originally used for pitchers by James.(为了衡量这些四分卫在整个赛季(包括超级碗)的表现,我们依靠里奇·沃勒斯的四分卫比赛得分,这是对詹姆斯最初用于衡量投手的公式的改编。)
–Sports - As part of these efforts, securities regulators have been considering the implementation of mandatory disclosures regarding climate risks and strategies by public companies, while central banks have been conducting stress tests and scenario analyses to gauge the vulnerabilities of lenders.(作为这些努力的一部分,证券监管机构一直在考虑对上市公司的气候风险和战略实施强制性披露,而中央银行一直在进行压力测试和情景分析,以衡量贷款人的脆弱性。)
–Business - In order to gauge the impact of Mr. Musk’s content decisions on Twitter’s overall content, The New York Times examined tweets from over 1,000 users whose accounts were recently restored.(为了衡量马斯克的内容决定对Twitter整体内容的影响,《纽约时报》检查了1000多名用户的推文,这些用户的账户最近被恢复了。)