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- “Forestall” means to take action ahead of time to prevent something from happening or to stop it from occurring. It’s like when you see a problem or difficulty coming, and you do something to avoid it or make it not happen.
- Imagine you’re planning a picnic, and the weather forecast predicts raining. To forestall the picnic from getting ruined, you might decide to bring umbrellas, raincoats, and find a covered area to set up the picnic. You’re taking these actions in advance to prevent the rain from spoiling your plans.
- In a business context, if a company notices that a certain product might become less popular due to changing trends, they might decide to forestall any losses by diversifying their product range or finding new markets before the decline happens.
- There were rumors that Adams planned to resign from his position to let his vice president, Jefferson, take over, aiming to forestall a constitutional crisis from happening.
- To forestall an uncontrolled surge in energy prices and potential economic unrest, the International Energy Forum based in Riyadh has recommended that companies increase their annual spending to $523 billion by the end of the decade.
- The research team led by Stephen Hawking meticulously examined various cosmological phenomena to forestall any oversight, ensuring that their groundbreaking theories about black holes and the nature of the universe stand the test of time.
- With the mission to enhance user privacy and security, Google implemented advanced encryption methods to forestall potential data breaches and cyber threats, exemplifying their commitment to safeguarding users’ personal information.
- Forestall这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to keep from happening by taking action in advance”这一含义,即“预先阻止/预防/提前行动(阻止)/先发制人”,与obviate/prevent/avert这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Recognizing the market’s evolving demands, Coca-Cola employed a foresighted strategy to forestall declining sales by introducing new flavors and packaging innovations, thereby maintaining their competitive edge in the beverage industry.(认识到市场需求的不断变化,可口可乐采用了有远见的战略,通过引入新口味和包装创新来防止销售额下降,从而保持其在饮料行业的竞争优势。)
–Business - In an effort to forestall any misinterpretation of Vincent van Gogh’s famous “Starry Night” painting, the museum placed informative plaques near the artwork, explaining the artist’s mental state during its creation and its symbolism.(为了防止对文森特·梵高著名的“星夜”画作的任何误解,博物馆在艺术品附近放置了信息牌匾,解释了艺术家在创作过程中的精神状态及其象征意义。)
–Arts - The coach of the New England Patriots, known for his strategic thinking, devised a game plan that successfully forestalled the opponents’ offensive plays, exemplified by their interceptions during crucial moments, contributing to the team’s Super Bowl victory.(新英格兰爱国者队的教练以其战略思维而闻名,他制定了一项比赛计划,成功地阻止了对手的进攻,例如他们在关键时刻的拦截,为球队的超级碗胜利做出了贡献。)
–Sports - In their quest to advance medical research, Mayo Clinic adopted a proactive approach to forestall ethical concerns by establishing stringent guidelines for stem cell research, ensuring that their groundbreaking work adheres to the highest ethical standards, as exemplified by Dr. Jonas Salk’s polio vaccine development.(为了推进医学研究,妙佑医疗国际采取了积极主动的方法,通过为干细胞研究制定严格的指导方针来预防伦理问题,确保他们的开创性工作符合最高的伦理标准,如 Jonas Salk 博士的脊髓灰质炎疫苗开发。)
–Science - Recognizing the importance of seamless user experience, Elon Musk’s Tesla Motors dedicated substantial resources to testing and refining their self-driving technology to forestall accidents and ensure the safe integration of autonomous vehicles onto roads.(认识到无缝用户体验的重要性,埃隆马斯克的特斯拉汽车公司投入了大量资源来测试和改进他们的自动驾驶技术,以防止事故发生并确保自动驾驶汽车安全地集成到道路上。)