• 发音:[fɔrˈʃædoʊ]

  • 例句

  1. The verb foreshadow refers to “to indicate something will happen or give a hint of what is about to come.”
  2. His early interest in learning and designing foreshadowed his later career as an entrepreneur.
  3. The encounter — between a leader and a former leader who did not appear eager to hand over the microphone — seemed to foreshadow the tensions of the next few years.
  4. “Over the past two decades, slowdowns of this scale have foreshadowed a global recession,” the bank warned, adding that it anticipated “a sharp, long-lasting slowdown”.
  5. Her mother was an alcoholic, which foreshadowed Ms. Moore’s own struggles with alcoholism and her stay in the early 1980s at the Betty Ford alcohol and drug treatment center in Rancho Mirage, Calif.

  • 解释

  1. Foreshadow这个单词为动词,其表示“to indicate something will happen or give a hint of what is about to come.”这一含义,即“预示/预兆/暗示”,与“predict/imply/foretell“这些单词构成近义词。注意:在实际使用中,foreshadow这个单词既可以表示“好事”,也可以表示“坏事”即将发生。

  2. 具体使用案例如下:
  • Investors share that concern: The bond market last week flashed a warning signal that has often — though not always — foreshadowed a downturn.(投资者也有同样的担忧:上周债券市场发出了一个警告信号,这个信号经常——尽管并非总是——预示着经济衰退。)
  • The cancellation of large gatherings in Europe, including the Milan fashion show and the Venice Carnival celebrationforeshadow a longer lasting economic hit to companies in virtually every industry.(取消欧洲的大型聚会,包括米兰时装秀和威尼斯狂欢节庆祝活动,预示着几乎每个行业的公司都将受到更持久的经济打击。)
  • Although meetings last week concluded without an announcement of a cut, the central bank foreshadowed a rate cut in July to stabilize the economy amid trade tensions, spurring investor confidence and lifting markets.(尽管上周的会议没有宣布降息,但央行预示着7月份将降息,以在贸易紧张局势下稳定经济,刺激投资者信心并提振市场。)


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