Image by BrianAJackson

  • 发音:[ˈfulˌhɑrdi]

  • 例句

  1. Foolhardy means recklessly bold or rash, taking unnecessary risks without thinking about the potential consequences. It implies a lack of good judgement.
  2. Successful entrepreneurs are not foolhardy; they gauge their risk tolerance based on the potential emotional, professional and financial costs.
  3. Many military analysts say Russia would not be this foolhardy, given the damage a dirty bomb could do to its own troops and the territory under its control.
  4. Members of the party that won control of the House would typically consider it foolhardy to risk their power and image by engaging in such a risky internal power struggle.
  5. She is regarded as a bold advocate by some and as a foolhardy provocateur by others because she left the country and returned illegally, daring immigration agents to detain her.

  • 解释

  1. Foolhardy这个词作形容词使用,其表示“foolishly adventurous or bold”这一含义,即“莽撞的/有勇无谋的/鲁莽的/蛮干的”,与rash/reckless/daredevil/irresponsible这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • People also tend to fall into two categories regarding self-control — those who want to act immediately even if the action might be foolhardy and those who sit on the couch and procrastinate.(关于自我控制,人们也倾向于分为两类——那些即使行动可能是蛮干的,也想立即采取行动的人,以及那些坐在沙发上拖延的人。)
  • Most physicists foolhardy enough to write a paper claiming that “there are no black holes” — at least not in the sense we usually imagine — would probably be dismissed as cranks.(大多数物理学家鲁莽地写了一篇论文,声称“没有黑洞”——至少不是我们通常想象的那种意义上的黑洞——可能会被当作胡思乱想。)
  • At a time when the Apple Watch is miles ahead of any other smartwatch and Google’s Wear OS is struggling for relevance, launching a new smartwatch seems like a foolhardy idea.(在Apple Watch领先于任何其他智能手表以及谷歌的Wear OS正在努力争取表现的时候,推出一款新的智能手表似乎是一个鲁莽的想法。)
  • Many blacks in South Africa believed that any effort by the black man to challenge the white man was foolhardy and doomed to failure; the white man was too smart and too strong.(南非的许多黑人认为,黑人挑战白人的任何努力都是莽撞的,注定要失败;白人太聪明,太强壮了。)


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