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- The word faddish refers to something that is trendy or popular for a short period of time but is not likely to last or have long-term significance. It describes something that is followed or adopted by many people temporarily, often because it is fashionable or stylish at that particular time. However, faddish things tend to lose their popularity quickly and may not have a lasting impact or value.
- Blockchain, the inventive system of storing data famously associated with the faddish digital currency Bitcoin, is rekindling the hopeful aspirations of the early days of the internet.
- In his forties, he believed that tennis represented a faddish trend, an extravagant indulgence favored by the affluent, something foreign and lacking authenticity—an activity for the privileged adults who resisted maturity and remained enamored with a childlike game.
- Ultimately, journalism has transformed into the pursuit of appeasing advertisers who promote trendy and superficial products, while applauding readers/viewers who conform to faddish beliefs and lifestyles.
- Contrary to the firm stance of steadfast critics who argue that platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are mere faddish trends, serving as mere diversions for sharing insignificant details, the repeated evidence proves them mistaken.
- Faddish这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“fashionable or popular for a short time”这一含义,即“流行一时的(含贬义)/风行的/流行的/趋于时尚的”,与fashionable/popular这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- It has become trendy for new television shows to adopt the deep-dive format popularized by John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight, but Desus & Mero stayed authentic to their podcast origins, remaining innovative, relaxed, and entertaining, without succumbing to faddish trend.(新电视节目采用约翰·奥利弗的《今晚上周》推广的深度形式已成为一种趋势,但Desus与Mero保持了播客起源的真实性,保持创新,放松和娱乐,没有屈服于风行的潮流。)
–Culture - The method is faddish; it was employed by demographers from the United Nations last year to create updated forecasts for the world’s population in 2050 and 2100.(这种方法很时髦;去年,联合国的人口统计学家利用它为2050年和2100年的世界人口创建了更新的预测。)
–Science - The company seeks to redefine its perception by offering more than just discounted products, positioning itself as a sought-after destination for trendy home goods and faddish clothing.(该公司试图通过提供不仅仅是打折产品来重新定义其认知,将自己定位为时尚家居用品和时尚服装的热门目的地。)
–Business - While tattoos are gaining popularity among younger Japanese individuals, they still carry a certain stigma and are often perceived as faddish, primarily associated with the yakuza, the notorious criminal syndicate in Japan.(虽然纹身在年轻的日本人中越来越受欢迎,但它们仍然带有一定的耻辱感,并且通常被认为是流行一时的,主要与日本臭名昭著的犯罪集团黑帮有关。)
–Culture - During the art boom of 2014, when there was a surge in demand for emerging artists, the abstract paintings by Lucien Smith, which were faddish at that time, were frequently sold at auctions for significantly higher prices than their original gallery values.(在2014年的艺术繁荣时期,当对新兴艺术家的需求激增时,吕西安·史密斯的抽象画作在当时很流行,经常在拍卖会上以明显高于其原始画廊价值的价格出售。)