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发音: [ˈeskəˌleɪt]
  1. Escalate refers to the process in which a situation or conflict becomes increasingly more intense or serious over time. It’s like a problem gaining momentum and becoming harder to control. Imagine a disagreement between two colleagues at work. If they don’t find a solution, the tension might escalate, leading to more arguments and potentially affecting the whole team’s dynamics.
  2. Factors contributing to escalation could include unresolved issues, rising emotions, or the involvement of more people. Just like a small disagreement can turn into a bigger conflict if not addressed, problems in various scenarios can escalate if left unchecked. For instance, a minor disagreement between friends might escalate into a full-fledged quarrel if not talked through. Similarly, a small protest could escalate into a larger demonstration if authorities don’t respond appropriately.
  3. Members of the Writers Guild of America (WGA) express apprehension that studios might turn to artificial intelligence to substitute human screenwriters, leading to a reduction in job opportunities and diminishing compensation in the face of escalating content demands.
  4. In recent weeks, an uncommon and unsettling combination of declining bonds, equities, and the pound has emerged, potentially laying the groundwork for a situation where borrowing costs escalate and persistent inflation becomes a concern.
  5. Tensions related to accusations of financial misconduct within the Washington Commanders’ management escalated on Monday, as conflicting statements were issued by both the team and the attorney of the former employee who raised the concerns to congressional members.
  6. In the meantime, those opposed to abortion express concerns about the vandalism incidents that have occurred at pregnancy resource centers over the past year, fearing that these actions might signify a potential escalating in violence from abortion rights proponents if states enact stricter measures to limit abortion access.
  7. On Monday, TikTok took legal action to prevent Montana from prohibiting the widely used video app, escalating its campaign to halt a ban that would mark the nation’s first of its kind.

  1. Escalate这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to increase in extent, intensity, or scope”这一含义,即“逐步扩大/不断恶化/加剧”,与intensify/accelerate/expand这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Senator Michael Bennet, representing the Democratic Party from Colorado, heightened the pressure on Apple and Google on Thursday by urging them to remove TikTok from their app stores. This call comes amid growing concerns about national security and represents a part of the escalating bipartisan push against the Chinese-owned company.(代表科罗拉多州民主党的参议员迈克尔·贝内特周四加大了对苹果和谷歌的压力,敦促他们从应用商店中删除TikTok。这一呼吁是在对国家安全日益担忧的情况下发出的,也是两党对这家中国公司压力不断升级的一部分。)
  • After a span of a few months during which the number of monkeypox cases significantly escalated, the outbreak’s momentum in the United States has been debilitated, partially owing to a vaccination effort and modifications in the behavior of those at higher risk.(在猴痘病例数量大幅上升的几个月之后,美国的疫情势头已经消退,部分原因是疫苗接种工作和高风险人群行为的改变。)
  • The escalating feud between the NFL Players Association and league management, including prominent figures like Richard Sherman and Roger Goodell, has the potential to disrupt the upcoming sports season due to the unresolved contract dispute.(NFL球员协会与联盟管理层,包括理查德·谢尔曼和罗杰·古德尔等知名人物,之间不断升级的不和有可能由于未解决的合同纠纷而扰乱即将到来的体育赛季。)
  • What initially started as a temporary hiring pause at Meta quickly escalated into a more severe development, climaxing in substantial mass layoffs last week. The company’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg, took the step of reducing the workforce by more than 11,000 employees, which accounted for around 13 percent of the total workforce.(最初是 Meta 的临时招聘暂停,但迅速升级为更严重的事态,最终导致上周大规模裁员。该公司创始人马克·扎克伯格采取措施,裁员超过11,000人,约占员工总数的13%。)
  • Amid increasing disagreements between art enthusiasts and critics concerning the unconventional installation, the possibility of tensions escalating became apparent, evoking memories of the historical conflict between traditionalists and avant-garde proponents.(在艺术爱好者和评论家之间对非常规装置的分歧日益增加的情况下,紧张局势升级的可能性变得明显,唤起了人们对传统主义者和前卫支持者之间历史冲突的记忆。)


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