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- The verb epitomize means to serve as the perfect example of something or to be the representative embodiment of a particular quality or characteristic. When something or someone epitomizes a particular concept or idea, they are considered the best, most typical or most representative example of it.
- Jane Austen’s novels may epitomize Regency England, but she didn’t think much of the man for whom the period was named.
- All these years later and the most famous film of 1972 is the male-driven “The Godfather,” a film I revere but that also epitomizes the macho ethos of New Hollywood.
- Over all, Hudson Yards epitomizes a skin-deep view of architecture as luxury branding.
- In many ways, this type of city epitomizes our attitudes toward modern technology, says Mark Shepard, an architect and the author of “Sentient City: Ubiquitous Computing, Architecture, and the Future of Urban Space.”
- Epitomize这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to serve as the typical or ideal example of”这一含义,即“成为…的典范/成为的缩影/代表/象征/体现”,与embody/exemplify/symbolize这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用如下:
- The de Stijl movement, which was largely defined by Piet Mondrian, is best represented by this painting, as it epitomizes the movement’s use of primary colors and geometric shapes.(主要由皮特·蒙德里安定义的de Stijl运动在这幅画中得到了最好的体现,因为它集中体现了该运动对原色和几何形状的使用。)
–Arts - In postwar Japan, the Cup Noodle became a symbol of the belief that convenience and comfort were key to a better life, and epitomized this idea alongside other appliances like refrigerators and televisions.(在战后的日本,杯面成为人们相信便利和舒适是美好生活的关键的象征,并与冰箱和电视等其他电器一起体现了这一理念。)
–Culture - New York City over the past three decades is a prime example of how wealth has become increasingly concentrated, leading to widening racial disparities, and the city has epitomized this trend.(过去三十年来,纽约市是财富日益集中的一个典型例子,导致种族差异扩大,这座城市已成为这一趋势的缩影。)
–Business - The recently discovered bird in China with a T. rex-like skull is a fascinating fossil that epitomizes the evolution from dinosaurs to birds, showing how the two groups were connected in unexpected ways.(最近在中国发现的具有类似霸王龙头骨的鸟类是一种迷人的化石,它集中体现了从恐龙到鸟类的进化,展示了这两个群体如何以意想不到的方式联系在一起。)