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To “enact” means to officially make a proposal, plan, or idea into law or to bring it into effect. For example, when a government “enacts” a law, it means that the law is officially passed and must be followed.
- The pandemic policies, enacted to protect public health and essential workers, were largely ineffective, as they did little to prevent individuals from working in unsafe conditions without adequate safety measures.
- By enacting a Goods and Services Tax similar to Europe’s value-added tax, India has moved more of its economy into the formal sector, which has allowed for the extraction of more revenue from a wider range of people and businesses.
- At the recently concluded annual meetings in Palm Beach, Fla., the league enacted diversity measures, including a new rule requiring each team to have a minority coach in a key role on its offensive staff.
- The report provides a comprehensive overview of how climate change and population growth will affect Florida’s communities and natural resources, and how enacting the FLWC in full could help to mitigate those impacts.
- An A.I. law is expected to be enacted in Europe later this year, which will limit the use of facial recognition technology and mandate that companies like OpenAI disclose the sources of their data.
- Enact这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to officially make a proposal, plan, or idea into law or to bring it into effect.”这一含义,即“颁布/制定/制定法律”,与approve/pass/legislate等单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Ohio enacted a social media law last summer that mandates Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and YouTube to secure parental consent before granting access to children under 16.(俄亥俄州去年夏天通过了一项社交媒体法律,要求Instagram、Snapchat、TikTok和YouTube在允许16岁以下儿童使用其平台之前必须获得家长的同意。)
–Technolog - The European Union enacted regulations earlier this year that will eventually mandate companies to disclose their carbon emissions, while the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and the state of California are also considering similar rules.(欧盟今年早些时候通过了规定,最终将要求公司披露其碳排放量,而美国证券交易委员会和加利福尼亚州也在考虑类似的规定。)
–Science - Although the NBA has not implemented a vaccine mandate for players, cities like New York and San Francisco have enacted regulations that mandate vaccination for members of home teams in those locations.(尽管NBA没有对球员实施疫苗强制令,但纽约和旧金山等城市已颁布规定,要求当地球队的成员必须接种疫苗。)
–Sports - The South Korean government caused widespread panic in the internet industry by announcing that its antitrust regulator would enact the toughest competition law outside of Europe, specifically designed to curb the power of major technology companies.(韩国政府宣布,其反垄断监管机构将制定欧洲以外最严格的竞争法,专门用于限制大型科技公司的权力,这一消息引发了互联网行业的广泛恐慌。)
–Business - An emergency measure that was enacted last year to allow U.S. citizens stranded abroad to return home on expired passports was allowed to expire in late June.(去年颁布的一项紧急措施允许滞留国外的美国公民使用过期护照回国,但该措施于六月底失效。)
–Arts and Culture