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  1. Embroider” means to decorate fabric by sewing colorful threads or designs onto it. People embroider to add pretty patterns, pictures, or words to clothes, blankets, or other fabric items. It’s like drawing with a needle and thread to make things look more beautiful and special.
  2. In figurative language, “embroider” means to add extra details or exaggerate a story or description to make it more interesting or impressive, or to enlarge something beyond bounds or the truth. It’s like decorating a simple tale with fancier, made-up elements to capture people’s attention or make something seem more exciting than it really is.
  3. “Implore You to Define Me,” a prominently displayed self-portrait on the wall, showcases a young woman donning intricately embroidered South Asian garments, alongside sweatpants and running shoes.
  4. At major PGA Tour events, most merchandise tents carry apparel from the same manufacturers, and the only distinguishing factor is the embroidered tournament logo.
  5. In a sequence of Instagram photos, Brittany held her son in a mini version of his dad’s jersey, while her daughter sported overalls beautifully embroidered with her father’s number and last name as she embraced them both.
  6. Dr. Smith, a respected figure in the realm of psychology, advised against researchers who tend to embroider the significance of their studies, emphasizing the need for accurate representation of their findings to maintain trust within the scientific community.
  7. Exaggerating the capabilities of a new device can lead to disappointed customers, which is why companies like Apple strive to avoid embroidering their product descriptions, ensuring they accurately represent what the technology can deliver.

  1. Embroider这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to decorate with ornamental needlework, or to exaggerate something beyond bounds or the truth”这一含义,即“刺绣/装饰/润饰/渲染/夸张/粉饰”,与decorate /beautify /embellish /exaggerate /overstate 等单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • While the technology sector often sees companies embroidering the potential of their forthcoming products, consumers are growing more vigilant, seeking transparency and accuracy in product claims to make well-informed choices.(虽然科技行业经常看到公司夸大其即将推出的产品的潜力,但消费者越来越警惕,寻求产品声明的透明度和准确性,以做出明智的选择。)
  • Scientists should be meticulous in their research and avoid the temptation to embroider their findings, as exaggerating or enlarging results beyond bounds or the truth can undermine the credibility of their work and the advancement of scientific knowledge.(科学家在研究中应该一丝不苟,避免粉饰他们的发现,因为夸大或放大超出界限或真相的结果会破坏他们工作的可信度和科学知识的进步。)
  • At the Thursday meeting among top-flight clubs, it was decided to embroider heart-shaped badges on team kits as a tribute to NHS workers, and various measures of support for the Black Lives Matter movement were also approved.(在周四的顶级俱乐部会议上,决定在球队球衣上绣上心形徽章,以向NHS工作人员致敬,并且还批准了支持“黑人的命也是命”运动的各种措施。)
  • Inventory consistency prevails from vendor to vendor, with items like standard black hooded sweatshirts bearing gold-embroidered seals signifying the inauguration date, T-shirts featuring prints of Obama’s face, and various memorabilia such as keychains and bobbleheads.(不同供应商的库存具有高度一致性:标准黑色连帽运动衫上印有象征就职日期的金色刺绣印章,带有奥巴马脸部印花的T恤,以及钥匙扣和摇头娃娃等各种纪念品。)
  • Turning a simple weekend barbecue into an epic journey filled with heroes and villains was Sarah’s specialty, as a gifted storyteller with the remarkable ability to embroider ordinary gatherings with friends into elaborate sagas of adventure and intrigue.(莎拉的专长是将一个简单的周末烧烤变成充满英雄和恶棍的史诗般的旅程,作为一个有天赋的讲故事的人,她具有非凡的能力,可以将与朋友的普通聚会润饰成精心设计的冒险和阴谋传奇。)
    –Arts and Culture


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