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  • 发音:[ˈdɪsɪˌpeɪt]

  • 例句

  1. The verb dissipate means to scatter or disperse something, especially energy, in different directions until it disappears. It can also mean to waste or squander something, such as time, money, or resources, in a reckless or frivolous manner.
  2. If you heat up a cup of coffee in the microwave, the heat will gradually dissipate into the surrounding air until the coffee cools down to room temperature.
  3. In a metaphorical sense, you can say that someone’s anger or frustration “dissipates” as they calm down or let go of their negative emotions.
  4. By the century’s end their wealth had dissipated, and recently several auctions have brought out treasures from the Sassoon past.
  5. Central bankers are hoping that quick inflation will dissipate before consumers learn to expect steadily higher prices, which can become a self-fulfilling prophecy as shoppers accept loftier price tags and workers demand higher pay.
  6. When the body overheats, the heart has to work harder to pump blood flow to the skin to dissipate the heat, and when you’re also sweating, that decreases body fluids.

  • 解释

  1. Dissipate这个单词做动词使用,其表示“ to gradually fade away or disperse in different directions until it is no longer present or noticeable”这一含义,即“消散/驱散/消磨/使消散”,与disperse/scatter/fade等单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • If you spray perfume into the air, the scent molecules will dissipate over time until they are no longer noticeable.(如果你把香水喷到空气中,气味分子会随着时间的推移而消散,直到它们不再明显。)
  • If someone spends a large amount of money on frivolous purchases, you could say that they are “dissipating” their savings.(如果有人花了很多钱在琐碎的购买上,你可以说他们正在“消耗”他们的积蓄。)
  • In some situations, evidence collection could be more difficult; for instance, a chlorine attack might be hard to prove, because the gas can dissipate without leaving any trace.(在某些情况下,收集证据可能更加困难; 例如,氯气侵蚀可能很难证明,因为气体可以消散而不会留下任何痕迹。)
  • The skepticism began dissipating last week when Mr. Musk revealed in a securities filing that he had obtained commitments worth $46.5 billion to finance his offer for Twitter.(上周,当马斯克在一份证券文件中透露,他已经获得了价值465亿美元的承诺,为他向Twitter的要约提供资金时,这种怀疑开始消散。)
  • These are signs your body is building up a defense against the coronavirus; these side effects should dissipate in a few days.(这些迹象表明您的身体正在建立对冠状病毒的防御; 这些副作用应该会在几天内消散。)
  • A four-day workweek movement made headway in the 1970s, and some believed its adoption was inevitable before momentum dissipated.(1970年代,为期四天的工作周运动取得了进展,一些人认为在势头消散之前,它的采用是不可避免的。)


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