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  1. The word discrete means separate or distinct. It describes something that is clearly separate and not connected to other things. When something is discrete, it is seen as an individual entity or element that is easily distinguishable from others.
  2. Like many other prominent universities, Berkeley often viewed chemists, biologists, physicists, and engineers as discrete groups working in separate domains.
  3. Three groups of German architects and engineers constructed adaptable spaces that are discrete in terms of sound and appearance, creating an environment where video art can be displayed with a level of purity that cannot be achieved in museums.
  4. Google’s recent study seeks to illustrate, through visual means, the way these mathematical operations accomplish discrete tasks, such as the identification of objects in photographs.
  5. The student enrolled in four courses to earn a bachelor’s degree, focusing on subjects like partial differential equations, applied numerical methods, mathematics in nature, and number theory and mathematics with a discrete approach.
  6. Quantum mechanics explains how things behave in the tiny world of atoms and particles, where everything exists in separate and distinct units called quanta, which, like individual particles of light called photons, are discrete and cannot be further divided.
  7. The platform brings together several discrete technologies, such as speech recognition, synthetic speech, facial tracking, and 3D avatar animation, which Nvidia claims can be utilized to support various virtual agents.


  1. Discrete这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“separate or distinct; not united or joint”这一含义,即“离散的/分离的/不同的/特别的”,与separate/distinct这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • The Salon app for Apple Watch will showcase headlines from the most significant stories on Salon, enabling users to discretely and privately stay updated on important news throughout their day.(Apple Watch的Salon应用程序将展示Salon上最重要故事的头条新闻,使用户能够在一天中不连续地和私密地了解重要新闻。)
  • Researchers occasionally have differing opinions on the nature of numbers, but a study conducted in 2017 defined them as discrete entities with precise values that are conveyed through symbols in the form of words and signs.(研究人员偶尔会对数字的性质有不同的看法,但2017年进行的一项研究将它们定义为具有精确值的离散实体,这些实体通过文字和符号形式的符号传达。)
  • Nike employs discrete strategies tailored to each individual segment, identifying the unique opportunities within each category and implementing distinct approaches to maximize their potential.(耐克采用针对每个细分市场量身定制的不同策略,确定每个类别中的独特机会,并实施不同的方法来最大限度地发挥其潜力。)
  • According to Jonathan Shimko, who previously served as president of the Pittsburgh division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the collapse was more likely a consequence of prolonged neglect in maintenance over time, rather than being attributed to a specific discrete event.(根据曾担任美国土木工程师协会匹兹堡分会主席的乔纳森·希姆科的说法,坍塌更可能是长期忽视维护的结果,而不是归因于特定的不相关事件。)
  • Mr. Holloway’s approach has involved developing 17 discrete exhibitions that fit into larger historical periods, allowing visitors to explore the collection either as a chronological journey through Scottish history or in smaller, manageable visits.(霍洛威先生的方法包括开发17个适合较大历史时期的独立展览,让参观者可以按时间顺序探索苏格兰历史的旅程,也可以进行较小的,易于管理的访问。)


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