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  1. The word “descry” means to see or notice something that is often distant, faint, or hidden. It’s like when you spot something far away or in the distance, like a ship on the horizon or a small animal in the woods. “Descry” is used when you see something that might not be immediately obvious or is hard to notice.
  2. For example, if you’re on a hike and you “descry” a deer in the woods, it means you spotted the deer even though it might have been camouflaged or far away. It’s a word used to describe the action of noticing something that takes a bit of effort to see.
  3. Dr. Roberts, a leading marine biologist, managed to descry a new species of bioluminescent jellyfish in the uncharted depths of the ocean, shedding light on the mysteries of underwater life.
  4. In Silicon Valley, tech visionaries continuously strive to descry groundbreaking technologies that could reshape industries, with figures like Mark Zuckerberg actively investing in virtual reality advancements..
  5. In the world of finance, market analysts employ sophisticated algorithms to swiftly descry patterns and trends in data streams, ensuring that companies like Amazon remain competitive in the ever-changing e-commerce landscape.
  6. As the championship game entered overtime, fans gathered around screens worldwide, eagerly trying to descry the decisive moment when LeBron James would attempt the game-winning shot for the Los Angeles Lakers.
  7. At the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, cinephiles eagerly scrutinize each frame of movies in competition, hoping to descry the artistic brilliance that could define a new era in filmmaking, much like Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Pulp Fiction’ did in the 1990s.

  1. Descry这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to see something unclear or distant by looking carefully”这一含义,即“(仔细观察后)突然发现/看见/发现/识别”,与discern /spot /discover这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Emily Rodriguez, an esteemed art historian and curator, was ecstatic to descry a long-forgotten Renaissance-era manuscript hidden within the museum’s archives, unexpectedly enriching the cultural heritage and art world’s treasure trove.(受人尊敬的艺术史学家和策展人艾米丽·罗德里格斯欣喜若狂地发现了隐藏在博物馆档案中的一份长期被遗忘的文艺复兴时期手稿,出人意料地丰富了文化遗产和艺术界的宝库。)
  • During the championship game, the sharp-eyed umpire, Alex Johnson, managed to descry a minor rule infringement that could have altered the outcome, ensuring the integrity of the match and earning recognition for her keen observation.(在冠军赛期间,眼尖的裁判亚历克斯·约翰逊设法发现了可能改变结果的轻微违规行为,确保了比赛的完整性,并因其敏锐的观察力而获得认可。)
  • Using advanced telescopic technology, Dr. Collins succeeded in descrying a previously undiscovered celestial phenomenon—an enigmatic quasar emitting powerful radiation bursts, thus illuminating new aspects of the cosmos.(利用先进的望远镜技术,柯林斯博士成功地揭示了一种以前未被发现的天体现象——一个神秘的类星体,它发出强大的辐射爆发,从而照亮了宇宙的新方面。)
  • The cybersecurity team, under Emma Thompson’s leadership, skillfully descried a concealed flaw in widely-used software, revealing potential vulnerabilities that could have led to large-scale data breaches, necessitating immediate action.(在艾玛·汤普森的领导下,网络安全团队巧妙地识别出了广泛使用的软件中隐藏的缺陷,揭示了可能导致大规模数据泄露的潜在漏洞,因此需要立即采取行动。)
  • John Smith, a seasoned market analyst renowned for his insightful observations, was one of the first to descry an emerging consumer trend favoring sustainable products, alerting industry leaders to capitalize on this shifting market demand.(约翰·史密斯是一位经验丰富的市场分析师,以其富有洞察力的观察而闻名,他是最早发现喜欢可持续产的新兴消费趋势的人之一,提醒行业领导者利用这种不断变化的市场需求。)


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