Image by Drazen Zigic
发音: [dɪˈlɪb(ə)rət]
- The verb “deliberate” means to think carefully and purposefully about something in order to make a decision or come to a conclusion. It implies intentionality and a careful weighing of options.
- Like a child assembling a set of gemstones for their prized collection, mission scientists are deliberating over which rocks the rover should sample to amass the most geologically diverse cache.
- Since employees sharing feedback with a leader is risky for them, a leader must be deliberate about creating a safe environment by actively giving permission and expressing openness and desire to receive feedback about their performance.
- Because language is so important to identity, some communities around the world have made deliberate efforts to revitalize dialects that have been dying, such as the rural Valdres dialect of Norwegian.
- The Justice Department is deliberating over whether to pursue the death penalty, and the victims’ families have offered differing opinions on the matter.
- Deliberate这个单词做动词及形容词使用,其核心表示“to think carefully and purposefully about something,or characterized by careful and thorough consideration”这一含义,即“深思熟虑/仔细考虑/反复思考(动词含义)”以及“故意的/蓄意的/不慌不忙的(形容词含义)”,与considered/calculated/contemplate/ponder这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Social distancing as a public health measure is very deliberate, but the normal way we distance ourselves from another person is mostly unconscious.(作为一项公共卫生措施,保持社交距离是非常刻意的,但我们与另一个人保持距离的正常方式大多是无意识的。)
—Science - In 2020, Facebook established an oversight board made up of former political leaders and human rights activists to deliberate the company’s content decisions.(2020年,Facebook成立了一个由前政治领导人和人权活动家组成的监督委员会,以仔细思考公司的内容决定。)
—Business - When we do receive an allegation of misconduct, we take it very seriously, conduct an investigation and take deliberate actions appropriate to the situation.(当我们收到不当行为的指控时,我们会非常认真地对待它,进行调查并采取适合情况的深思熟虑的行动。)
—Politics - His isolated rural lifestyle is a deliberate choice: an attempt to evade an orthodox yet opportunistic social system, where you either become the oppressor or the oppressed.(他孤立的乡村生活方式是一种深思熟虑的选择:试图逃避一个正统但机会主义的社会制度,在那里你要么成为压迫者,要么成为被压迫者。)