–Image by Freepik
- When you “debase” something, you’re making it worse or less valuable than it was before. It’s like taking a nice, shiny coin and making it all scratched and dirty, so it’s not as valuable.
- You can use “debase” when talking about things like money, where people might mix valuable coins with fake ones to make them worth less. It’s also used for people’s actions, like when they say mean things about someone to hurt their reputation, making them look bad. In both cases, you’re making something good or valuable become not-so-good or not-so-valuable.
- Netflix’s ‘House of Cards,’ despite its plot about Chinese corruption, achieved great popularity in China, where it pleased Chinese officials due to its ability to debase the representation of American democracy.
- Perceived through the lens of much of the media and coastal elites, poorer and lower-middle-class white communities often receive judgments of being debased or, at best, holding misguided beliefs, instead of being acknowledged as a group facing a dwindling culture, seeking a savior.
- Commencing in 64 A.D. under the rule of Emperor Nero, the state decided to reduce the silver content of coins to 80 percent, resulting in a profitable scheme as they recycled the all-silver denarii into debased ones.
- Among Bitcoin enthusiasts, there’s a prevalent belief that this digital currency isn’t just a medium of exchange but also stands out as one that cannot be debased by governments driven by greed.
- Debase这个单词做动词使用,其表示“lower the value or quality of something”,即贬低/降低…的价值/败坏…的名誉/腐蚀等含义,与tarnish /degrade /corrupt /discredit /demoralize /impair等单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Companies like Microsoft and Apple invest heavily in cybersecurity to prevent cybercriminals from attempting to debase valuable user data and jeopardize their technological ecosystems.(微软和苹果等公司在网络安全方面投入巨资,以防止网络犯罪分子试图贬低有价值的用户数据并危及其技术生态系统。)
–Technology - Researchers at institutions like MIT and CERN employ cutting-edge technology, such as the Large Hadron Collider, to conduct experiments aimed at unveiling the deepest mysteries of the universe while guarding against any potential attempts to debase their scientific findings, often relying on intricate mathematical models and complex simulations to achieve their goals.(麻省理工学院和欧洲核子研究中心等机构的研究人员采用尖端技术,如大型强子对撞机,进行实验,旨在揭开宇宙最深奥的奥秘,同时防范任何败坏其科学发现的潜在企图,通常依靠复杂的数学模型和复杂的模拟来实现他们的目标。)
–Science - Since 1996, when Diamond took the helm, the once-respected high-street institution, founded by Quakers, has undergone a transformation into something altogether different – an economically unstable entity known for its tax evasion and interest rate manipulation, effectively debasing its reputation.(自1996年戴蒙德掌舵以来,贵格会创立的这家曾经受人尊敬的高街机构已经转变为完全不同的东西——一个经济不稳定的实体,以逃税和操纵利率而闻名,成功地败坏了其声誉。)
–Business - Popularity in culture doesn’t happen by chance; even the most transient and expendable creations manage to tap into genuine psychological concerns, even though they twist, fabricate, and debase these issues along the way.(文化中的流行不是偶然发生的;即使是最短暂和最可消耗的创作也设法挖掘真正的心理问题,即使它们在此过程中扭曲、捏造和贬低这些问题。)
–Arts and Culture