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  1. To connive means to secretly and cunningly plan or scheme with someone else to do something that is usually wrong or unethical, such as breaking the rules or deceiving others. It involves working with others to come up with a plan that may be dishonest or manipulative, and keeping it a secret from those who would not approve of it.
  2. Instead of recognizing that men in positions of power have been sexually harassing women for years, some people’s primary takeaway from #MeToo is that women are conniving and making up stories to ruin men’s careers.
  3. State television officials have claimed that Kevin Spacey’s portrayal of Frank Underwood, a conniving politician, perfectly represents the “inhumane face” of American politics.
  4. The commission alleged that the two countries connived to allow the two companies to manipulate transfer prices, which refers to the notional amounts for which different subsidiaries of the same company sell goods or services to one another.
  5. Doping scandals in sports can involve coaches, athletes, and even corrupt administrators conniving together, often with the knowledge or support of government officials, to conceal the use of performance-enhancing drugs.
  6. The play depicts Newton, played by Haskell King, as both brilliant and manipulative, with traits such as conniving, immaturity, defensiveness, hostility, competitiveness, and deception.
  7. The scientific community’s integrity has been compromised by accusations that some scientists connived to manipulate data to support their research hypothesis.


  1. Connive这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to plan or plot to do something illegal or wrong”这一含义,即“共谋/密谋/纵容/狼狈为奸/同流合污”,与conspire/plot/intrigue这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Lee accused Franklin of having connived with his nephew to carry out wrongful acts and of having taken steps to protect him and assist him in acquiring the remaining money he claimed.(李指控富兰克林与他的侄子共谋进行不法行为,并采取措施保护他并协助他获得他声称的剩余资金。)
  • House of Cards,” featuring Kevin Spacey as the conniving politician Frank Underwood, was a critical and commercial success and helped establish Netflix as a major player in original programming.(凯文·史派西饰演阴谋政治家弗兰克·安德伍德的《纸牌屋》在评论界和商业上取得了成功,并帮助Netflix成为原创节目的主要参与者。)
  • The late Steve Jobs, former CEO of Apple, has been depicted as a conniving leader who orchestrated a scheme to prevent top computer programmers and other talented employees from leaving the company for competitors.(已故苹果前首席执行官史蒂夫·乔布斯被描述为一个狡猾的领导者,他精心策划了一项计划,以防止顶级计算机程序员和其他有才华的员工离开公司前往竞争对手。)
  • The idea that Jews engage in business with their enemies has been criticized as a perpetuation of negative stereotypes, such as the notion that Jews are conniving and motivated solely by financial gain.(犹太人与敌人做生意的想法被批评为负面刻板印象的延续,例如犹太人完全出于经济利益的阴谋诡计和动机。)
  • The anti-vaccine movement is believed to have gained momentum in part due to the conniving of certain groups and individuals who spread misinformation and conspiracy theories for their own interests.(据信,反疫苗运动之所以获得推动,部分原因是某些团体和个人为了自己的利益传播错误信息和阴谋论。)
  • Some politicians have been accused of conniving with powerful corporations to suppress scientific research that could be damaging to their business interests, even if it has negative consequences for the public.(一些政客被指控与强大的公司同流合污,压制可能损害其商业利益的科学研究,即使这会对公众产生负面影响。)


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