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  1. Condescension” is when someone acts like they’re better or more important than others. It’s like when a grown-up talks down to a kid, as if the kid is less smart or valuable. Condescension can be rude because it makes people feel small or unimportant. So, it’s not a nice way to treat others.
  2. Condescension can occur in various situations. For instance, if an experienced employee talks down to a new colleague, implying they don’t know anything about the job, that’s condescension. It can also happen when someone talks to a person from a different background or culture in a way that suggests they’re less important or knowledgeable.
  3. Despite experiencing condescension from his employers, Zhenia, a Ukrainian migrant worker born seven years prior to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, is anything but unintelligent.
  4. In a 2002 study published in the American Journal of Nursing, it was revealed that 90 percent of hospital staff, including doctors and nurses, had reported instances of “yelling,” “abusive language,” as well as encounters with “condescension” and “berating colleagues.”
  5. When it discards the misanthropic condescension commonly seen in Black Mirror’s social commentary, this show excels, maintaining a balanced approach that critiques technology while showing sincere empathy for those who make use of it.
  6. In a recent scientific study, renowned biologist Dr. Jane Smith emphasized the importance of avoiding condescension when communicating complex research findings to the public, stressing that it’s crucial to engage with audiences in a respectful and comprehensible manner.

  1. Condescension这个单词做名词使用,其表示“an insulting way of talking to other people, as if they were stupid or ignorant”这一含义,即“屈尊俯就/高高在上/俯就/优越感/傲慢”,与arrogance/disdain/superiority这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • At the technology summit, Mark Johnson, a prominent figure in Silicon Valley, highlighted the need to eliminate condescension in the tech industry’s communication with the public, advocating for a more inclusive and easily understandable approach when introducing groundbreaking innovations.(在技术峰会上,硅谷知名人士马克·约翰逊强调,在科技行业与公众的沟通中,需要消除居高临下的态度,倡导在引入突破性创新时采取更具包容性和易于理解的方法。)
  • In the business world, CEO Sarah Mitchell strengthened the importance of clear and respectful communication, advising against condescension when addressing shareholders and investors to build trust and transparency within the company.(在商业世界中,首席执行官莎拉·米切尔强调了清晰和尊重沟通的重要性,建议在向股东和投资者发表讲话时不要屈尊俯就,以在公司内部建立信任和透明度。)
  • Imagine an autistic person striving to foster understanding through dispassionate fact-sharing, while a neurotypical individual, brimming with unwavering certainty, unleashes a barrage of incorrect perspectives, possibly laced with a hint of condescension.(想象一下,一个自闭症患者努力通过冷静的事实分享来促进理解,而一个神经典型的个体,充满了坚定不移的确定性,释放出一连串不正确的观点,可能带有一丝居高临下。)
  • At the heart of this artistic perspective lies condescension, which means believing that you, as a perceptive modern viewer, possess a deep understanding of the art form and the world that previous, more gullible audiences lacked.(这种艺术视角的核心是居高临下,这意味着相信你作为一个敏锐的现代观众,对艺术形式和世界有着深刻的理解,这是以前缺乏经验的观众所缺乏的。)
  • Cultural critic Alex Williams emphasized that discussions about different cultures should be approached without condescension, and he underscored the significance of promoting cross-cultural understanding, which can enrich our global society while fostering respect for diverse traditions and perspectives.(文化评论家亚历克斯·威廉姆斯强调,关于不同文化的讨论应该傲慢无理,他强调了促进跨文化理解的重要性,这可以丰富我们的全球社会,同时促进对不同传统和观点的尊重。)


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